Yay Crack Fillers

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[Alright ya'll know the drill. None of these are actually canon unless said otherwise. This also takes place before Washington getting infected.

(Im also writing this on my dad's tiny ass iphone (no offense to iphone users) with auto correct being an ass, and me talking to irl Andy while Im doing this so im pretty distracted lol, soz... If anything goes wrong, I blame auto correct)

Ight lez do this thing)

Oh boy, here we go again... It's the... Fourth-Wall Quartet?

Apparently the author thought that it'd be easier to name them that since there's four of them and saying all their names would be too long. If you dont know who we're talking about, it's Barbie, King, and the two third... Uh, fourth-wheels; Sam and Madicough.

Thomas was boasting about how fabulous he was to Samuel. They're all staying away from James cos... It's Jemmy. He coughs.

What's the king doing? Knocking on the other side of the fourth wall. Being dramatic. He sang, "I try to speak but no one can hear, so I wait around for an answer to appear cos I'm tap tap tapping on the glass...  Waving through a windoooow!~"

Being on the other side of the fourth wall is like being in quarantine. It makes you do weird things you never thought you'd ever do before. Such as sing songs from Dear Evan Hansen.

At least he ain't strumming a guitar while singing about London subways, unlike a certain Brit who's also seem to have lost his head.


Somehow Luca was able to get the Hamilsquad to meet his parents; his fun-loving British mum named Lucille (though she prefers to be called by her nickname: Lucy) and his stern Japanese papa Mizuca.

[If you paid close attention to his parents' names, you'll find out the origin of Luca's name lol

Also is it bad that I thought of his parent's separate backstories, how they met, and their entire love story even though I know that no one really cares for that, and the parents don't really matter because they're not even a percent important to the story or basically anything else?]

And of course, they're all doing this by eating dinner together. But then Luca spoke up and said, "Dad, can you pass the salt please?"

Suddenly Mizuca, Hercules, and Washington all grabbed onto the bottle of salt.

All three of them awkwardly stare at each other.

Meanwhile Mama Lucy's thinking about some weird and kinky things as she darts a small glare at her son who seemed to be slowly sliding down his seat looking quite abashed as his face expression tells that he would most likely want the floor to swallow him right now.


Luca was bonking people on the head with a feather-duster to get them help clean the house for a change. Everyone complied because they fear the midget with thin eyes who wields the floofy cleaning stick.

Washington politely volunteered as he picked up a broom. But then Luca glared at him as he rasped the feather-duster in his hand.


Washington is the only one who's not going to be working, because he's already done a lot for them so whether he likes it or not, he's gonna take a break or he's getting bonked.

Washington noticed Luca's deadly glare and feared feather-duster. He gulps as he drops the broom. "Yes sir," He answers as he obediently sits on the couch.

That's one horrifying feather-duster if even General George fucking Washington, first president of the United States of America, is afraid of it.

It's like Monchi accidentally committing making robots extinct by just sitting there and a loaf of bread — I mean dysfunctionally cute.


We interrupt your usual stupid fillers with a traditionally drawn filler.

[I'll leave text if the writings in the picture are blurry, but most likely you wont be able to read it anyway cos my handwriting is so bad that I often have a horrendous time trying to read my own shit]

[I'll leave text if the writings in the picture are blurry, but most likely you wont be able to read it anyway cos my handwriting is so bad that I often have a horrendous time trying to read my own shit]

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Aaron: Why is it you just call people by their first name but you always call me by my full name?

Aaron: Why is it you just call people by their first name but you always call me by my full name?

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Luca: Cos you're really special to me, Mr Aaron Burr Sir! :D

Luca: Cos you're really special to me, Mr Aaron Burr Sir! :D

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Aaron: . . .

Aaron, who got zonked in the heart by the wholesomeness: W-What is this strange wholesome feeling??

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Aaron, who got zonked in the heart by the wholesomeness: W-What is this strange wholesome feeling??


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