Oh Shi- Part 3

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As they drove back they picked up some groceries on the way.
They tried to stop technos nosebleed quicker by making him look up at the ceiling of the car, which worked but abit of blood had gotten on his shirt so they'd have to sneak past Philza when they got home.

Eret parked the car at their house and got out along with Will and Techno "Alright boys, plan is Wilbur you take the groceries in and distract Phil, Techno and I sneak to the bathroom to get the blood off his face and then after he can go  change alright?"

Wil and Techno nooded. Wil grabbed the groceries and went inside "PHIL, MY BELOVED  DAD! OH HOW I HAVE MISSED YOU!" He yelled from the  entrance.
He stomped into the house so Eret and Techno could sneak past without being heard.
Wil went into the kitchen putting the groceries down on the kitchen island.

Phil raised an eyebrow suspicious "I've missed you too?" he looked at Tommy and Tubbo with a confused look, they both shrugged.

"Ooo muffins!" Wilbur exclaimed taking one.
"Where's Techno and Eret?" Phil asked and Wilbur quickly changed the subject: "mm so whens that friend of yours coming by to eat dinner?" he winked as he said friend

Phil thought for a moment "you mean Kristin? On Friday, so you guys better behave!"

Tommy slammed his hand down on the counter "I always behave!" he yelled followed by laughter from himself, Tubbo, Wilbur and Phil.

Meanwhile Eret and Techno had successfully gotten to the bathroom where they got the blood off Technos face and put bandaids on, which happened to be princess bandaids, it was the only thing left.
They totally forgot about the blood on technos shirt and joined the rest in the kitchen.

Hey im writing this like months later but please please please stop pointing out my spelling mistakes its extremely annoying when a mass of people do it and a little reminder that i dont have a alot of time or motivation to write due to tests in school :) I'll hopefully bmhave more motivation to write when my summer break starts

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