Type: Chapter 9

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I sat on the bed trying to come up with numerous ways to broach the subject of Tar with Tharn as I awaited his arrival. It was past 10 in the night and Tharn was still not back. I wondered if he was even coming back to the room since it was the weekend. He went home sometimes and we hadn't talked after Tar rudely dragged Tharn away after his performance earlier in the day.

I was still angry for Tharn even if he wasn't. I was blithering mad at the way Tar had behaved with Tharn so publicly. It wasn't acceptable behaviour even if done behind closed doors. I couldn't understand how he could not only be so rude to Tharn, but also to everyone around him. He literally dragged him away from even the people who were trying to compliment Tharn for his amazing performance. That was not good visuals for people who supported him. It could negatively affect his career down the line too because entertainers had to interact with their fans to keep them happy. 

I was lost in thought about how Tharn was letting that behaviour slide when the door opened and he walked in. He once again looked haggard and despondent. I stared at him from my bed and he turned his head in my direction but quickly stole his glance away to walk to his table, setting his bag down. 

"Tharn," I called out to him.

He just stood in front of his desk with his shoulders hunched for a while and finally sighed and turned around to face me. I could see the tears glistening in his eyes again which reignited the anger inside me. 

"Did you fight with him again?" I asked, getting out of bed and walking towards him. I came to a stop in front of him and watched him look down at the ground again. He stayed silent.

"Tharn, I know it's your personal business but what I saw today has been bothering me. I am so goddamn angry at how he behaved with you in front of all of those people," I spat out. 

Tharn slowly lifted his head to look back at me and that's when I saw something that made my insides twist into a tight knot as I felt the back of my eyes stinging. 

Tears. Tears were running down Tharn's eyes. 

I froze. I couldn't make my body move to comfort him because it was the first time I saw Tharn cry properly. The sight of it assaulted my chest with sharp stabs as I tried to hold back my own tears that were starting to blur my vision.

"Why?" Is all I could muster.

Tharn shook his head rapidly as he looked down.

"I don't know," he said in a broken voice as he looked back up to meet my eyes, tears still streaming down his face. 

I grabbed his arm and led him out to the balcony. I made him sit down on the bench and I sat down next to him. We needed the cool air to help clear our minds.

I let Tharn silently cry as I soothed his back with one hand as we both looked down at the rain tree under our balcony. 

My heart broke every time I felt Tharn's body shiver with the sobs that escaped his body. I had to bite down on my lower lip very hard to stop myself from crying too. 

When his sobs turned into little sniffles, I turned my head to look at him, having calmed myself down to a point where I could speak normally.

"So you're going to continue dating him?" I asked softly. Tharn stared at the tree with empty eyes.

"I can't break up with him," Tharn finally said.

I felt the anger bubble up inside me again so I took slow breaths to calm myself down before I said something too harsh. 

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