Type: Chapter 16

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The next month rolled by quite fast as Tharn and I adjusted to being flatmates since we had a lot more responsibilities with having our own place. We settled into it swimmingly. We didn't even fight.

Except for that one time.


"You can't just pick whatever game you want to play every single time, Type. We've played this one too many times already just because you're better at it than me. Let me pick this time," Tharn said, grabbing the box from my hand. I pulled it away as he struggled to get a grasp on it. I held it far away from my body as I used my back to shield Tharn from getting to it. 

"No, we're going to play this one," I said as I bent down and moved away from him, still shielding myself with my back and opened the box. I took the CD out and struggled to push it into the waiting slot of the console when Tharn grabbed for it. He finally got a good grip on it and I refused to let it go from my hand. We played tug of war with the CD for a while, both not giving up.

"Let go, Tharn. You're going to break it," I said as I tugged it towards me. 

"You need to let go if you don't want it to break because I'm not letting go," he said as he tugged it towards him. 

I tugged it back towards me and, as a last ditch effort, tried to twist it out of his grip, which proved to be a mistake because there was a resounding crack as it broke and I was pushed back by the loss of his pull on the other end to keep me in a sitting position. I stared at the small piece of my precious game in my hand and then looked back at Tharn holding the other piece and that's when the anger bubbled up inside me. 

"I have the bigger piece, so I win. I'm going to pick what we play next," Tharn said as he held up the broken piece in his hand to show me that it was indeed bigger than the piece I was holding in my hand as he smirked.

"You broke my game!" I screamed as I chuckled the piece I had in my hand at his lap, fuming. 

"I told you to let go if you didn't want it to break! You are the one who tried to twist it from my hand. You broke it yourself," he said, screaming back at me. I saw red. 

"You're such a fucking piece of shit, Tharn! I can't believe you broke my game and now you're blaming me for it! Why? Just because you suck? You can't just break a game just because you're bad at it! What a fucking loser!" I said as I pushed myself off the floor to start pacing around the room.

"I didn't break it! You fucking broke it by refusing to let it go. Don't you fucking blame me for breaking your precious game! It's good that you did, because at least this way you'll have to play other games to realise just how much you actually suck at everything else! I'm not the loser, you fuck-head! You are! You are the sore loser! All you do is play this one game over and over. Maybe try sticking something else in for once?" He screamed back at me. 

"You stick it up your fucking ass! Oh, but that would be counter-productive, because you actually like things up your ass, don't you?" I screamed at him. He widened his eyes as he stared at me in shock. 

I felt immediate guilt coursing through my body when I saw the hurt in his eyes but I was too mad to apologise to him. I stood there as I watched him grab his things and storm out of the room, banging the door really loudly behind him. 

I immediately sank into the sofa feeling guilty as I punched the cushions. 

"You and your big mouth! Why can't you think before you speak, Type!" I screamed in frustration. 

Tharn didn't come back home for the next two days, making me feel more and more guilty about what I had said to him. The look on his face kept haunting me. I couldn't eat. I couldn't sleep. I couldn't function. All I kept thinking about is how I had hurt him. 

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