First Date

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Steve: Steve took you dancing. It was a very special thing to him, considering the whole Peggy situation, but you mean a lot to him. And he proved it by this date. You two went to one of Tony's parties, and Steve asked him to play a slow song for you two, and he did.

Tony: Your first date with Tony was very... "touchy". He took you to the movies, pretty much as an excuse to keep his arm around you the whole time. And after the movie he took you back to Stark towers for a romantic dinner.

Bruce: With the help of Tony, Bruce set up a picnic for you. It was your typical picnic, full of your favorite foods. You two say on the blanket, feeding each other chocolate covered strawberries. It may have been cliche, but it was very sweet.

Thor: For your first date he took you to Asgard. He had a huge banquet set up for you. It had exotic foods, and he even had a special dress made for you. His mother had helped you get ready, doing your hair and helping you get dressed. Then she escorted you to the dining table, where you had a huge feast.

Clint: He made you dinner. He brought you to his apartment, and he had made you a huge Italian dinner. There were candles on the table and everything.

Natasha: It wasn't really a "date" per say, but you counted it anyway. Nat is very protective over you, and she has every right; you mean the world to her. So she took you into the training room and she taught you special moves. She made sure you did them properly and everything. It may not have been romantic, but you counted it anyway.

Loki: He took you to the gardens in Asgard. He held your hand the whole time, gently dragging you around. And after the tour of the garden he took you back to his room where he showed you some magic. He made little things appear, and even showed you some other things he could do with his magic.

Bucky: (This one will also be 40's Bucky XD sorry) He walked around town with you for a little while, introducing you to some of his friends, including Steve and Howard Stark, And afterwards he took you for a drive, he drove around pointing out all kinds of little places that he knew.

Pietro: Your date with Pietro was full of excitement. He took you around town to a fancy dinner and amazing shows. After the movie he takes you to a hill top with a view of the city.

Wanda: For your date with Wanda, you went to a park. You two walked around for a little while, until you found a bench. You two just sat down and held hands.

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