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Kento held Gojo back somehow. I hated this. I hate myself for being the reason they were fighting. I just wanted it to end.

Geto broke free from Yu and tried to punch Gojo again but this time I interfered and took the hit. It was a heavy punch that knocked me down to the ground. I could feel my blood gushing out of my nose. A broken nose. A cut on my cheek. Geto started crying while he sat down next to me apologising.

"Y-Y/n! I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to I was going to hit that b-bastard! Why did you save him!?"
He picks me up.

"I don't want you guys to fight because of me-"
All I could hear while I couldn't open my eyes anymore were the noises of people yelling my name.

I tried to reach for his cheek to wipe away his tears but I lost consciousness.

I work up I don't know how many minutes or hours later, my eyes still felt watery. My nose was taken care of. I rub my eyes and see that I was lying on a hospital bed. I was wearing the hospital gown. There was no one around me. Where were they?

It then hit me what Toji Fushiguro said. That they would leave me. But that can't be. . .

I look over to my right and see an IV drip connected to my arm. I tried speaking but my jaw hurt. I must've hurt it when I fell.

I gather all the remaining strength in my body and get up. I remove the drip from my arm. I slowly make my way to the door. Before I could open it I hear voices coming from behind it.

"Are you really sure it was Y/n?"
Shoko sounded worried.

"You think I wouldn't know Y/n? It was her with some guy at the motel. Ask her yourself why she didn't come back the entire night tch-"
Gojo sounded confident of himself.

"I'm sure she had a reason for that-"
Shoko was cut off by Kento.

"Even if L/n was with some guy what do you think gives you the right to call her a slut? It could've been her lover she doesn't need to share everything with you Gojo-san. And you even followed and kissed her without her consent-"
Kento was surprisingly understanding.

"That's right. I don't want you to come near Y/n for now Gojo."
Geto sounded cold. Which was unlike him.

"Says the guy who put her in the hospital."
Suddenly there was a bang on my door.

"It was meant for you Gojo. If Y/n wasn't as kind and good-hearted as she is it would've been you here on the hospital bed. I hope you're fucking happy now that your ego's satisfied by Y/n's suffering."
Geto's hand almost broke the door. I could see a crack at the edges. Now I think it's a miracle that I'm still alive after getting punched by him.

"Geto. . ."
I mumbled to myself.

The door swung open and I fell on someone.

"I knew I heard you Y/n-!"
Shoko standing behind the door looks at me.

I open my eyes when I feel the person holding onto me gently.

"Y/n. . ."
It was Gojo. I moved away from him instantly.

Geto tries to place his hand on my shoulder but pulls away.

"Y/n! Are you okay!?  What are you doing out here?"
Geto was afraid of touching me. I could tell. His hand that he hit behind his back, he would do it when he didn't know what to do.

I hug him. It startled him. He was just standing there stiffly. I look up at him and smiled.

"I know you would never hurt me on purpose Geto. You don't have to hold back."
As soon as I said that he hugged me back. His hands were trembling, he still gave me a comfortable amount of room even in the hug. He didn't hug me as tightly as he usually would. He was still worried. It was silly and special about him.

Kento who was standing behind him moved a little further back and just smiled. Shoko sighed. I saw her sighing and pulled her into the hug.

"Hey wait for me!"
Yu dropped the bag he was carrying and joined the group hug.

"Come on now give L/n some space she hasn't completely recovered yet!"
Kento picked it up.

"Oh yeah, that's right! Sorry, Y/n!"
Yu moves away.

"It's fine! I'm okay now-"
They all moved away to give me some space but my legs felt weak all of a sudden and I was about to fall.

"They're right. . . Go back and rest Y/n."
Gojo caught me by the arm.

"Yeah. . ."
I still didn't look at him. They all helped me get back in and I laid down on the bed.

"Here I got you the medicine the doctor recommended!"
Yu snatches the bag from Kento's hand and places it on the table next to my bed.

"Thank you. . . Uh-"
I pick it up.

"Give it to me I'll help you apply it."
Gojo drags a chair and sits near my bed.

"What do you think you're doing-"
Geto places his hand on Gojo's shoulder.

"Calm down you guys-"
Yu tries to stop them from quarrelling again.

"Hey! Stop fighting! I'm tired of it. I don't want you guys to fight because of me."
I sit up.

"Fine. . . if you say so Y/n. . ."
Geto removes his hand but not his eyes from Gojo.

"I'll help you with the bandages Y/n."
Shoko sits down on the chair on my left.

I wasn't sure about Gojo, what was he trying to do, did he feel bad for me? Was that why he's trying to help me? I didn't want to have anything to do with him for a while but I peeked at him. He didn't look at me his eyes were stuck on the cuts on my hands and cheek. So I decided to keep my mouth shut and not say anything yet. I just had to bear with it for a short time. The situation was still delicate.

Bystander || A Toji x Y/n storyWhere stories live. Discover now