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The team arrives back at Safar's garage.
"Ah! There they are. Disaster," Safar says as he sees Ramsey lead the team in.
"I'm sorry," Ramsey apologizes as they start walking over to Safar.
"I get you an invite to the most exclusive party in Abu Dhabi," Safar complains.
"Safar," Ramsey tries.
"No, no, no," Safar interrupts her. "You steal the host's car, and you jump it between two buildings."
"Actually, it was three buildings," Brian corrects him.
"Oh! Two, insult. Three, honor. My bad," Safar retorts.
"Well, well, well," Mr. Nobody says as he walks inside. "I have to say, you've got an interesting interpretation there of 'low-key', Miss Toretto. You know, Mak, I thought we had an understanding."
"Sometimes you have to play the hand you're dealt," Mak tells him with a shrug.
"That's why I prefer to be the dealer," Mr. Nobody says with a wink before turning to Safar. "Good night." Safar just stands there before Sheppard motions for him to leave.
"Ah! I'm being kicked out of my own garage. This is great," Safar says as he walks away.
"Uh, May I?" Mr. Nobody asks Mak as he extends a hand before Mak glances at Dom.
"Brian," Dom says as he looks back at him. "Give it to him." Brian walks over before handing the chip to Mr. Nobody.
"All that trouble for this little thing," Mr. Nobody says with a chuckle. "With all do respect, Mak, you really did great work back there. All of you. All of my men are now standing by and are fully at your disposal." Mr. Nobody hands the chip to Mak. "Your call."
"Ramsey," Mak says before handing the chip to her. "Fire it up and find me Shaw." Ramsey walks over to where there is several computers and screens set up.
"Oh, damn, this is crazy," Tej says as he looks around at the set up.
"All right, give me a second," Ramsey says before she starts typing on a computer, having already plugged the chip into a tablet.
"What is it doing now?" Rome asks as a screen shows it zooming in on a street.
"It's hunting," Ramsey answers him. "Hacking into the security cameras at Etihad Towers. That's the last place you saw Shaw, so that's where we'll start."
"That's him right there," Dom says as they see him in an elevator.
"Wait, wait. What are these numbers right here for?" Tej asks as he points at the screen.
"It's bio-mapping Shaw's face," Ramsey answers him before they watch as it catches the car that he is driving. "It'll run it against every camera. Every audio device in this hemisphere." A cell phone catches the car before it maps out where he is going. "Bingo. Looks like he's holed up here."
"That's perfect," Brian says as they see an automated factory. "Automated factory, no people, lots of places to hide."
"You just changed the face of manhunts forever," Mr. Nobody says causing Ramsey to smile. "Congratulations."
"Hey, can I check my email real quick?" Rome asks causing everyone to give him a 'really' look.
"Dawn's up in two hours," Mak announces, getting everyone's attention. "We're gonna go take down Shaw then. Go get changed." Mak quickly changes before finding Mr. Nobody and Dom. "We should go now. Just you, your team, and me." Mak hands Mr. Nobody the tablet.
"I thought you said at dawn," Mr. Nobody states confused.
"Our guys are racers, the best drivers in the  world. But they ain't killers," Mak explains to him as Dom nods in agreement.
"Told you they'd say that," Brian says as he walks over with a gun in his hand. "I know you both too well, and I'm going with you."
"Well, looks like we got a nice little hunting party," Mr. Nobody says as he grabs a gun. "Lets go bag a shadow."

"Ten klicks out, boys. Get ready to rock and roll," Sheppard says as he watched the map on the tablet. "Here we go. Weapons hot." Mr. Nobody's team quickly takes the door off of the building before leading the way inside. Mr. Nobody follows them inside while Brian, Mak, and Dom stop at the door.
"You ready for this?" Brian asks them.
"Yeah," Dom answers before going inside. They find Deckard, sitting at a table eating.
"I hope you're enjoying your last meal," Brian taunts him.
"This is it?" Deckard asks as he looks around. "This is all I warrant? A dozen men and a woman?"
"I think you'll find it's more than enough," Mr. Nobody says as Deckard wipes his mouth with a napkin before pulling the pin from the grenade hidden in the napkin with his teeth. Deckard sits the napkin down, showing the grenade. Mr. Nobody's men take cover while Mak walks over to Deckard.
"I'm ready to meet my maker. Are you?" Mak asks him.
"What were you expecting, Toretto? To catch me off guard?" Deckard questions her. "Me standing here, waving a white flag? You ever heard the saying, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend?"
"I don't have friends, I got family," Mak tells him with a smirk.
"Well, I got a lot of friends," Deckard says before the lights turn off and the door in front of them explodes. Jakande and his men come in and start shooting. Jakande shoots Sheppard, who drops the tablet. Mr. Nobody puts on night vision glasses before shooting several of Jakande's men. Mr. Nobody is shot by the man Brian fought on the bus. Mr. Nobody turns, making eye contact with Dom, winking at him. The man shoots Mr. Nobody again causing him to fall before Brian and Dom start shooting at the man. Dom starts dragging Mr. Nobody away. Brian goes for the tablet but bullets hit right in front of his hand.
"Brian, leave it!" Mak orders as she follows Dom. Deckard throws the grenade in their direction.
"Get down!" Brian orders Mr. Nobody's team as he takes off after Mak and Dom. Once out the door, Dom picks Mr. Nobody up on his shoulders. Dom puts Mr. Nobody in the back seat of a car while Brian gets into the driver's seat. Mak gets in before Brian takes off.

Mak rips open Mr. Nobody's shirt to find a bullet proof vest.
"You didn't think I was gonna walk in there naked, did you?" Mr. Nobody asks her as he sees Mak's shocked face.
"You got hit bad," Mak says as she sees a spot where the vest didn't protect Mr. Nobody.
"Look, Toretto," Mr. Nobody says getting Mak's attention. "I know you won't listen to me. You're not gonna want to hear what I have to say. But the truth is, you really ought to try that Belgian ale. It's something special."
"Belgian ale, huh?" Mak asks him causing Mr. Nobody to laugh before he starts coughing in pain.
"Hey, we got to get you to a hospital," Dom says as he glances back.
"No, you're not," Mr. Nobody tells him. "I carry my own health insurance." Mr. Nobody pulls out a phone. "SOCM medics on standby. They're already inbound. Pull over, kid." Brian pulls over before Dom and Mak help Mr. Nobody out of the car. "Mak, you gotta protect Ramsey. As long as she's alive, she can lock them out of God's eye, and they know that. That means they're not gonna stop coming until they've got her. And this time, when they come they're gonna come with everything they've got."
"I'm not leaving you," Mak states.
"You're not. I'm leaving you," Mr. Nobody tells her before they see a helicopter approaching in the distance. "Go now, Mak." Mak and Dom get back into the car before taking off back to the others.
"A war is coming to us, whether we like it or not," Mak explains as Brian drives. "If a war is coming, we're gonna face them on the streets we know best."

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