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" we wish to disappear and to fade.
To swim in our lost and broken minds,
As it holds us in the things we made.
Like the ocean that has much decay.
We wonder with coloured eyes,
As we think of the life that we see today.
With people who dive in our heads,
Without permission or consent,
They get stuck in lots of our memory webs.
Remain, they do, for a little while.
Like coral reefs,
They are fixed with a smile.
Much like reefs, they are impermanent,
We think, and realise the feeling
Of unsatisfactory is permanent.
Our minds are beautiful but please take caution,
With no yellow tape to guide,
Today, We must learn of them so we can blossom.
The waves are strong and riddened by sin,
To escape those waves,
Before they pull you in.
Escape is futile as we are a slave,
Pulling us with the current,
And drown us making it our watery grave. "

- cr1tic4l_entr0py

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