5. Eri

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Requested by E_Writes_05


'So bored..'

Akari was floating next to Bakugou as him and class 1-A payed attention to All Might as he explained today's exam

Suddenly she had an idea, she tapped Bakugou's shoulder making him look at her and she whispered in his ear "Can I go explore the city?" He gave her a small nod "be quick." He whispered back making her smile and she teleported out of UA and went exploring


Akari floated around the city exploring every part because when she was alive she was kept inside all the time so she wanted to know the city more

She suddenly heard small cries coming from an alley way along with foot steps so she went to check it out, Akari saw a white haired girl who looked about a year older than her walking with a strange man with a mask that looked like a beak

She followed them out of curiosity and wondering why the girl's arms and legs were covered in bandages "Quiet Eri you will be punished for trying to run away again." The man told the girl who she knew now was named Eri

Akari did not like this man one bit

She followed them until they reached a place assuming was a type of hide out

Once inside the man threw Eri into a room slamming the door and locking it, of course Akari floated through the door and saw Eri hugging her knees crying

Feeling guilty Akari kneeled in front of her making her self visible to only Eri "Hey..you okay?" She asked making Eri flinch and back away from her afraid "Woah! Calm down it's ok I won't hurt you!" Akari reassured Eri so she wouldn't be afraid "W-Who are y-you?..How did..you get h-here?" Eri asked

Akari gave her a smile "I'm Akari! I got here by following you and that man, he sounds like a bad man why are you with him?"

Eri sniffled "h-he's my grandfather..H-He uses me for E-Experiments.." Eri told her

Eri then looked at Akari's neck seeing that she was bleeding

Quickly she took some bandages from under her bed somehow able to touch Akari she wrapped the bandages around her neck

"Y-You were bleeding..that should help you!" Eri said making Akari blink then smile giggling "Thank you Eri! With these bandages I'm sure the bleeding will stop!"

Eri and Akari chatted for a while until Akari had to go "Sorry Eri I have to go but we will talk tomorrow Kay?" Eri then held up her pinky

"P-Promise?" Eri asked and the brunette child smiled wrapping her pinky around Eri's "Promise."

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2021 ⏰

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