1. Class 1-A

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Akari was floating around in the class 1-A as they were working on a quiz

Nobody could see her since she was invisible right now so she was free to float around

She got an idea and decided to scare them since she was bored so she saw a pencil on mientas desk but he was not there since he was sick

She decided to float down to it and make it roll off te desk making it drop onto the floor making a noise and everyone turned to the pencil on the floor

They went back to what they were doing which made Akari pout and went to Dekus backpack and made his hero journal drop flat on the floor making everyone flinch

He looked confused since he didn't leave his journal on the floor so he put it back inside his backpack and continued his work

She pouted again and knocked over his backpack making their Sensei snap

"Alright who's dropping stuff!" Shouted Aizawa and they all murmured not me

"Well then who is?!" The pencil on the floor was suddenly threw to aizawas head making everyone scream in fear since the pencil just got thrown from the floor

"What the-" Akari then yeeted an eraser to his head making him even more pissed off

But sighed and rubbed his eyes "alright, do what ever you want imma take a nap"


"What if it was a ghost!" Mina Exclaimed while eating her lunch with the Baku squad

"Mina don't be silly, ghosts aren't real" Sero told his female friend

"Well we could find out by playing the Ouija board tonight" Denki suggested

They all agreed that they were going to do that and somehow convinced bakugou to join

At night they prepared and started playing "what is your name?" Denki asked as he had his finger on the thing to move it

Akari moved the thing Kaminari has making all of them gasp


She spelled

"How old are you Akari?" Mina asked shaking a bit


Akari spelled making them gasp in shock including bakugou "u-uh are you a bad spirit?" Kirishima asked

Akari moves the thing to the 'no' answer making them sigh in relief "how did you die Akari?" Questioned Sero




She spelled making them look sad "are you throwing stuff around in our class?" Asked bakugou

She moved it to the 'yes' answer and he asked why, she spelled




She spelled making them 'oh'

After their chat with her the found out that she will help them with stuff and they would know it's her if the object floats

They asked her if she is able to reveal her self and she answered yes they just had to finish the game


Once they put the game away they sat in a circle since Akari told them too

She started making herself visible and they gasped in awe to see a tiny 5 year old with a gash surrounded by dried blood on her neck

Her body was transparent so they could see through her, she had short brown hair and had eyes like Mina but her eye color was white with black slit pupils

She was wearing a black short sleeved shirt and black pants with a grey long sleeved under her black short sleeves

She was also wearing red boots so she was looking cute "awww your so tiny" Mina cooed making Akari giggle

and that's how the Baku squad first met Akari

And became friends with her

(Sorry I got really lazy at this point)

The Ghost in UA (bnha x Child OC) Where stories live. Discover now