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A blinding ray of sunshine seeps through my window, waking me slowly. Before my body can register that I am awake, I quickly grab my blanket and throw it over my head to shield myself from the sunlight. Just 5 more minutes is all I need.

Minutes pass, and to no fucking avail has sleep come again. Dammit. Deciding to get up, I untangle myself from the covers and grab my phone as my alarm goes off. I swipe my finger over the slightly cracked screen, turning off the alarm.

I stare at my black screen, wishing I didn't have a reminder of that horrible night every time I looked at my favorite thing. I feel myself slipping out of reality as the flashbacks of that night come. It is way too early in the morning for this. Shaking away the thoughts to come, I yawn and stretch my long legs before actually standing up.

I grab my towel and exit my room. Entering the bathroom, my clothes are quickly stripped from my body and I am stepping under the hot water. I wash my body and get out, walking back to my room and getting dressed for the day. Black skinnies and a band tee are strewn across my bed as I close my dresser drawer. I slip on my "YOU COMPLETE MEss" tee and begin to step into my jeans.

Too bad I wasn't paying full attention, because I somehow got my goddamn foot stuck in the hole of my jeans and ripped the remaining part of the leg off. How the fuck does this even happen? I have no idea. Groaning, I stand back up and walk over to my drawer. I wrench it open and of course, there's nothing in there. Did I run out of jeans? Or was this my only pair? Fuck! I ponder the subject before snapping back into reality. I have no jeans to wear today.

I've unlocked my phone and am about to click the 'Contacts' icon when I remember; I don't have any friends. Literally. I can't even call my only contact, Mum, because she's dead. I wince at the thought. What the hell am I going to do? I look out my window.



It's so convenient living across from the supermarket. I can get food whenever I need it. And they sell some pretty sick band tees. I've been eyeing that "YOU COMPLETE MEss" tee ever since they put it out on the racks a few weeks ago. I think I'll buy it while I'm there.

I exit my small apartment and jog down the stairs. Man, we need an elevator. Even if it's only two stories, some of us enjoy extra-fries instead of exer-cise. I am winded and panting hard by the time I get to the bottom. I really do need to get in shape.

I head out the doors and begin to cross the busy street. Thankfully, the traffic isn't that busy today and I can just walk straight across.

Once I'm inside the supermarket, I grab a cart and begin to pick out a bunch of snacks. I get the remainder of the salt-and-vinegar chips, some Cheetos, a bunch of Oreos, and a few sodas. I also grab some milk from the long aisle with the glass fridges and some red solo cups because I don't like doing dishes. I just buy the red solo cups and paper plates. I don't even own glassware.

Walking to the self-checkout, I get plenty of dirty looks from old ladies in mom jeans. I sneer back at all of them, sometimes adding a dramatic hair flip to emphasize how none of this stuff effects me. I don't gain weight, I don't get acne, but I do get high blood pressure. Who cares? Still going to eat it.

At self checkout, I am just about to finish my transaction when a boy walks in. Not just any boy. A giant blonde tattooed boy wearing no pants. That's right. He has no pants on. And a heckload of tattoos and piercings. I'm talking both sleeves, eyebrow, lip, and ear piercings. I haven't even got my ears pierced! I notice that he has on TMNT underwear. So much for his tough guy appearance. I try to suppress a loud laugh when I notice this, but I fail miserably and end up making a weird (and loud) noise that is somewhere between a howl and a cough.

I guess that sound gets his attention, because his blank stare settles on my face. I freeze and feel a blush creep onto my face. He starts toward me, but I guess he remembers he has better things to do than scold me. I watch him make his way toward the clothing department which reminds me of one of the reasons I am here. I look behind me and see a single mother with two curly-haired children waiting for me to finish.

"Excuse me miss? I'll be right back. I forgot something that I really need. You have beautiful children, by the way." I offer a smile.

"Go ahead Hun, take your time." She smiles back.

I nod and rush over to the clothing department, spotting the blonde tattooed giant from earlier face palming over an empty rack where the skinny jeans are. I watch him unlock his phone and stare at it for a while.

Heading over to the rack full of men's band tees, I scan up and down the wall and find what I need. Only it is too high. Or I'm too short. Either way, I can't reach it. Even if I get on my toes, or jump, I can't get it. Then an idea hits me.

Creeping up behind the pantless blondie, I tap his shoulder lightly. He jumps a little bit in surprise and whirls around quickly. I notice that he is wearing the "YOU COMPLETE MEss" shirt I want. He looks above my head for a few seconds, until he looks down and settles his blank stare on me.

"What?" He says coldly.

"Um," I start, "I'm sorry to inconvenience you, but I notice that you are really tall-"

"Yeah, and?" He interrupts, blinking.

"And...I was wondering if you could help me get down this shirt I need-"

"Why would I do that?" He smirks. I squint my eyes at him, getting a bit annoyed.

"Look, dude. I don't want your crap, I just want this shirt. It's the last one and I've been waiting a while to get it. All you have to do is reach and give it to me."

He shrugs and gestures for me to lead the way. I walk back to the rack and point to the shirt I need.

He lifts his eyebrows at me, reaching for the shirt and holding it against himself, taking it away and putting it back as if to show me that he has the same thing. I laugh lightly.

"I see that. Can I have my shirt now?" I hold my hand out.

He hands it over, waving goodbye and walks out of the store. I look over at the checkout, and remember people are waiting for me. I run back over to the checkout, scan the shirt, and finish the transaction. As I grab my bags, I offer the single mom a smile. She gives me a nasty scowl.


"What got into her pants?" I hear the short girl say as she walks out of the store. I walk over to her on the side of the road, waiting.

"Nothing," I whisper in her ear, causing her to jump. She looks at me and erupts into a fit of giggles.

I wish I could laugh with her. All I can do is stare. She stops laughing.

"What? Is there something on my face?" She tries to reach up and touch her face, but the bags on her arms stop her.

I just look at her once more, shake my head, and cross the street.



omg, thank you if you actually read this! i know it's not that good, but i really like the plot i have for this book, so please stick with me. i love you automatically if you read this. please, if you can, comment feedback on this if you liked it ;)))))))))))))))

do u like my chins^

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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