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As you're about to walk off the bell to the cafe door jingles, and you turn around, only for your eyes to fall on the petite frame of the boy your friend had an encounter with moments earlier. You shoot him a sympathetic smile hoping to continue your walk home until he joins your side.

"Such friends you have there to leave a beautiful girl walking home all by herself in the dead of the night." He jokes, voice as sweet as honey which is the cause of your double take. He's grinning at you, eyes twinkling in the moonlight and dark fringe moving about his forehead due to the windy air. You weren't able to grasp all of his features but from what you could see, he was a very handsome boy. It had you thinking for a split second, 'What could possibly be so horrible about him?'

You definitely didn't notice his grin widening from your trance. "Am I that handsome?" He teases, sweet voice bringing you back into reality. You hide your crimson stained cheeks behind your scarf as you stare ahead, embarrassed. The boy smiles to himself. "No reason to get embarrassed, I feel the same whenever I see you." He flirts and the flush in your cheeks only deepen.  You were not expecting him to be so bold. You only smile in his direction, unsure of what to say. Huh, maybe a thank you would've been nice? You thought.  He sighs, stuffing his fists into the pocket of his coat.  "Not much of a talker, huh?" Hearing the sadness in his voice has you stopping in your tracks, and you look at him. "It's not that, It's just- I'm not really talkative with people I've just met." You explain. And this was a known fact considering it took you a while to become comfortable with Raylee and Beth.

Staring at you, he raises a perfectly arched eyebrow before smirking, showing off an array of white teeth. The sight alone is alluring and you have to keep yourself from falling back into a trance. He was just too handsome.

"It's funny you say that because-" Without finishing his sentence he looks up, and your eyes follow to land on a mistletoe above both your heads. You never realized that you stopped in front of a decorative street lamp railing where a mistletoe hung. Just your luck, huh?

"How about we let our lips do the talking?" He suggests while taking a step forward, eyes darkening in the process. "Uh-" You're left speechless. Everything was happening too fast and in a split second his lips were on yours. To your surprise you didn't push him away, instead you welcomed the feeling of his soft lips against yours.  Grinning into the kiss, he cups your face with both of his large hands. Tilting his head, he deepens the kiss, taking your breath away. When he starts to add tongue you gently push him away, quickly coming back to your senses. Shit. You needed to get home now.

"Uhm I must go home now." You blurt, avoiding his eyes that were observing your actions intently. He shrugs. "No worries, I'll walk you." He offers but you politely decline. "No need, it's just right around this corner." Not even giving him a chance to bade you goodbye  you rush off.

The feeling of dread surrounds him as he stands there reminiscing on the kiss you both shared. He never wanted it to end.  He never wanted you to leave. With anger, Sunghoon reaches up his hand and tears down the mistletoe. He was sick and tired of people leaving him.

Hey guys!!!! The second chapter is up and I hope you enjoy!!! Any votes and comments are greatly appreciated! Thank you so much for reading!!!!!

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