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Justin arrives at school. All he wants to do is be at home with his mum. In all of his classes for the day, he gets in trouble because he hasn't done any of the homework and the teachers tell him that a letter will be sent home. He doesn't care because it gets sent to his mums house and she's too sick to worry about that. Justin is a smart kid and she knows that, she believes in him.

Lunch time comes and a boy and girl in the year above him walk upto him and the boy says "You're fat. No-one even likes you."

Then the girl looks at Justin and laughs "yeah, why are you even here? You're worthless."

He just walks away like he does every other time. He goes to his friends and laughs it off but when he's home alone is when it really gets him down. Everyday he goes to school with a fake smile on his face pretending that he has not a care in the world, when in reality, he's broken.

The last class for the day came around, the teacher sent him out because he kept fiddling and throwing things and not paying attention. He wasn't bothered by it though because he just wanted to know that his mum's okay.

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