i'm sorry princess

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- Ma, I'm scared what if she treats me bad again? - I ask grandma, scared af of how my mom would treat me.
- If she does you call me or Frankie, but she won't baby. She recognized her mistake.
We smile at each other and we both get out of the car and walk to the front door ringing the bell.
- Baby!!! - My mom yells hugging me tight.
- Hi mom... - I say smiling at her awkwardly.
- Hi babydoll - grandma says hugging mom. - I have to go, but take good care of her.
She kisses mom's cheek and then mine and leave.
I walk to my bedroom to unpack as mom closes the door and follows me upstairs.
- So, how you feeling Y/N/n? I know it's a little bit awkard but I really want our relationship to be fixed. - mom says with a small kind of shy smile.
- Mama, I want that too! - I run to her and hug her with my head on her chest and she caress my hair.
I can't contain my tears anymore so I'm a crying mess on my mom's arms.
- Shh babygirl, mama's here. - She said kissing my head multiple times.
- I-I just miss h-hugging you. - I cry on her chest loudly.
- I'm so so sorry baby.
My mom's now crying aswell. We stayed on that position for a very long time.

Ariana POV
I'm so ashamed of what I did. Breaks my heart to see my first born crying like that because of me.
Soon we end the hug and I wipe her tears away, and then wipe mine.
- I'm really sorry. I know sorry doesn't bring those 11 years back, but from now on I'm treating you right. You're such a sweet girl Y/N, I'm sorry I couldn't see that before.
I kiss her forehead and she smiles at me.
- I'm not gonna say I'm fine because I still miss you mama. I miss having a mom to spend time with, to cuddle, to teach me what's right and what's wrong, to see me dance and actually watch ME, not my technique all the time. But I'm giving you a chance. Just please don't ruin it. I'll suffer even more. - She says and a few tears drop from her eyes.
- I won't princess. - I said wiping her tears away gently.
After all of this emotional time, she wants to sleep so I ask if she wants to sleep with me and she nods.
She puts her pajamas on and I do it aswell. We lay on the bed and cuddle.
Soon, we're both asleep.


Lmk what u think and tell me what u want to happen next 😉


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