2. The New Home

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Two weeks had past ever since Esther was told that she would be adopted by the family that had bonded with her in an art classroom. Esther smiled at just the mere memory.

When she heard the news, she was ecstatic. This made her heart soar with joy, she couldn't wait for the two weeks to pass so she could move in with the new family. Well, not the new family, but mainly John.

He infatuated Esther, and she knew that.

Though she knew that having a wife and two children make it a much more difficult problem for her, it wasn't something she couldn't handle. She had a family with two children who adopted her in the past. But if only the poor father listened.

Snapping out of her thoughts, she noticed Sister Abigail waiting for Esther by the doorframe of the room Esther was in. Getting up, Esther grabbed her suitcase that held her belongings, and numerous old fashioned dresses with her.

Stepping out to the doorway, Esther was greeted by the cold air, John, and Kate. Esther bashfully looked up at Kate, playing the role of an innocent nine-year old. Kate gave her a warm smile and extended her arm to Esther. Esther's breathing hitched for a moment, feeling a wave of nostalgia run over her. It was just like her birth mother smiling down on her. But she knew that her real mother was dead.

Snapping out of her thoughts, she slowly reached for Kate's hand, waving goodbye to Sister Abigail and the orphanage as she entered the car. She looked back at the orphanage one more time.

Though she didn't bond with any of the children that resided there, Esther would definitely miss the art classroom in which she had painted to her heart's content. The easels that sat there, the white paper waiting for colour to paint over it, and the coloured pencils and paints that just begged to be opened and used.

Something about that one room felt like home to Esther, and a part of her was sad to leave it. But the urge and chance of finding real love overcame that sadness.

During the car ride to the house she would be living in, Esther was practicing some sign language after she found out one of their children could only communicate by sign language. Learning that the child's name was Max, she was practicing how to greet the child, signing her name, and signing Max's name. Kate was surprised Esther knew a lot for a beginner.

But Esther was much more than a beginner. Since she met deaf and mute people in the past, she had to learn sign language in order to communicate with them. It was quite troublesome at first, as signing can be tiring for your hands and fingers. But once she got the hang of it, she was an immediate master, able to sign quicker than most people can.

Though when her dark eyes met the large house of the Coleman's, Esther's heart jumped out of her chest a few times. She could feel her mouth gape in aw, this house might as well be called a mansion. How in the world they could own such a place amazed her.

"Is this your house?" She asked perplexed, trying not to sound too desperate and excited. "It's your house too, now." John responded, causing Esther to smile as they pulled up through the driveway. Esther unbuckled and removed her seatbelt before stepping out of the car, hearing the snow crunch beneath her boots. She gripped her coat a bit tighter, keeping in a bit more body heat as a small gust of cold, crisp air nipped at her skin. Though that didn't stop her from admiring such a beautiful home.

Her eyes trailed to a balcony when she noticed a small head peeking at her. She and the other child exchanged glances before the unknown child disappeared into the house. Only minutes later did the same child come running to the three, a large smile on her face.

Kate smiled and crouched down, waving to the child. "Max!!" Kate greeted, giving her daughter a hug. The child didn't respond, only smiled widely, silently giggling when Kate peppered Max's face with kisses.

Esther smiled at the mother-and-daughter affection. She couldn't deny, Max was adorable; curly brown hair, innocent face, doe eyes, and a childish smile that one could die for. Esther noticed Kate using sign language to communicate with the girl, so she tried it herself.

"Hello, Max. My name is Esther!" She smiled, using the sign language she learnt from the car ride. Max's face grew into an even wider smile, full of joy. "She's been practicing the whole way!"

Esther looked back to Kate, a little confused. "Can she hear?"

"A little, she was almost born completely deaf, but these just allow her to read lips." Kate moved some of Max's hair to reveal hearing aids. Though that made sense to Esther, she was quite confused on how reading lips had anything to do with hearing. Though, she didn't raise any questions.

Max grabbed Esther's hand and giddily brung her into the home in which she will be living in. The interior was definitely modern, it somewhat reminded Esther of a cottage.

An older woman with glasses was sitting on a crème coloured couch, reading a magazine. She noticed the door open with 4 people entering, and stood up with a welcoming smile.

"Esther, this is Grandma." John introduced Esther to the older woman. Esther smiled politely, doing a little Princess curtesy. "It's a pleasure to meet you!"

Grandma smiled in awe, cooing at the girl's adorable movement. "Aw, that's precious!" Esther smiled once more at her before observing the place, already feeling at home.

Soon, a boy - probably a few years 'older' - walked in to see the commotion. Esther took a look at him and his clothes. Blank face with a frown that seemed to permanently be stuck, bored expression, and very casual boy clothes. Typical... 13 year olds, Esther could only assume.

"Daniel, this is Esther, your new sister." Kate introduced with a smile. Esther noticed the corner of his lips slightly frown deeper, though he kept his blank expression, offering his hand out.

"Hello, Daniel." Esther smiled politely, despite having a bit of a distaste to Daniel. Though she could only assume he's going through his edgy teenage faze. Not much of a surprise there.

"Hey." Daniel responded, shaking her hand back. Esther decided to go up the stairs of the house, exploring even more of what she could. Though, she could just barely hear Daniel whisper to John, "Why does she dress like that?"

The comment made Esther suppress a glare at the back of his skull, but she brushed it off. Not a lot of people respected her clothing, but she didn't care. It made her happy... and that it hid some of her dark secrets, too.

Esther then met with a piano at the corner of a hall. She let out an audible gasp, missing the times she were able to play such an instrument. "You have a piano?!"

Kate nodded, looking over behind the small girl. "Would you like to learn how to play?" Kate offered. Esther - despite knowing the piano like the back of her hand - accepted either way. Wanting to make an even greater impression than she already did. "I would love to!"

Only moments after did Kate and John bring Esther to her new room, in which the family had gotten ready for her. Esther smiled at the room, in which it was quite large, with a large, white bed, an aquarium (with a blue light, which made Esther extremely happy), many pink, white, and brown stuffed animals, and very cute drawers. It would be the perfect room for a nine year old girl, but Esther loved it nonetheless.

"Do you like it?" Kate asked. Esther turned back to her parents, a smile grew on her face. "It's perfect!"

Kate smiled happily at the girl, glad Esther was happy with the place she was living in and the people she would be living with.

Esther smiled happily, as Max dragged her outside to play in the snow with her. The two parents watched as the two children ran down the halls, giggling like little schoolgirls.

"I think we made an excellent choice bringing Esther home." John whispered to his wife, whilst bringing his arms around her waist.

"I think so, too." Kate sighed, pressing a kiss to John's jawline.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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