A bit of advice...

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It was Isla and Lola!!!! I was so thrilled to see them I literally started crying.

"Oh no it's worse than we thought." Lola whispered to Isla.

Isla snickered, "She'll be okay, especially since it's with St. Clair."

"Guys stop this is serious, it's a big part of my life." I kept saying all of this faster. "What if Etienne thinks Ellie was way better looking," and faster "And way better at IT. Screwthisitshopeless"

Isla and Lola looked at each-other, smiled, and then gave me a hug.

"Well, knowing you, every bit of advice I gave you you probably already did." Lola said and I nodded "So, I need you to do one last thing before he gets here and it's called breathing." I gave her a death stare.

"Hey, Lola's got it right. He already loves you, you're engaged, and he is a young guy with hormones. My guess is if you both start making out and if you start lifting up his shirt, he'll get the hint. Then he'll probably stare at you and say "Are you serious, best birthday ever!!" like a dork and then you'll start getting naked and-" I was blushing like and idiot.

"Ooookay let's just not." I covered my face "You really think so?" I peeked through my hands.

"Anna you just have to stop stressing. First of all you're like so hot, so if you're scared of him turning you down... well thats not even on the table." I rolled my eyes and smiled at Lola when she said that. "And I would like to say out of all of our boyfriends/fiancés Etienne is probably the most polite. Who knows he could be a beast in sex-" I started laughing uncontrollably. "But aside from that he's probably going to be super sweet about the whole thing and ask you if you are okay every five seconds." I blushed.

"Well, Lola as much as I want to see Anna get embarrassed over and over again. I think it's time we let Anna get calm and ready and excited. Because girl, you have a smokin' hot fiancé who definitely wants to have sex with you. Forget about the hurting part you only get to have a first time once, so make the best of it. We love you!!" Isla said and at that point they were already out the door.

I groaned and just sat on my couch and breathed. I ran my hands though my hair probably a million times and just thought and thought about everything that could go wrong. I must have been there for forever because my doorbell rang and I had a feeling it wasn't anymore surprising people. Shit...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2021 ⏰

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