Chapter 4

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Why did I actually name the last chapter instead of putting "Chapter 3"?
That, I do not know.


Imma share a poem by Langston Hughes that I really like. It's called, "Dreams".

Hold fast to dreams
For if dreams die
Life is a broken - winged bird
That cannot fly

Hold fast to dreams
For when dreams go
Life is a barren field
Frozen with snow

((Barren means "unable to produce or support new growth"))


I have a riddle for you.

Which one is heavier, a pound of rocks, or a pound of sand?

Write in the comments, and we'll see who is big wrinkle brain!


Also, one kid in class called the teacher 'sus' and he said, "Who you callin' a sus? You're the sus!" And everyone died of laughter, as he didn't know what sus meant. ((Tbh, I didn't know what sus meant either because im not 'hip with the youngsters', so to say))


"I'm the Pringle Can Man~~"


All of the girls in my class pretend to have seizures just randomly in class. It's really annoying, since they're making fun of people with seizures.


I took a writing test on 10/19/20 and managed to fit 799 words into 12 paragraphs (why do i think that 799 is a lot of words?)


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