~Chapter 3: Face to Face~

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We were face-to-face staring into each other's worried eyes, still lying on the ground motionless. I felt puffs of his breath on the surface of my nose and mouth, we were centimeters away from each other. Luckily no one was around us. His messy curls spread throughout the ground like noodles floating in a soup, and his eyes glistened beautifully beneath me. I couldn’t even let out a single word to him. 

His eyebrows pushed together in genuine concern.

“Are you hurt?”

His voice was so soft and quiet, almost a whisper in my ear. It sent a rush of goosebumps down my spine.

How is any of this real?

“Uhm I’m so sorry”, my voice trembled with every word I let out.

I pushed myself away from the ground and gave him my hand, which he hesitated to take. 

“Don’t worry I got it”, his voice was as angelic as his wide smile, and his mouth was like a candle being lit into a bright fire. Those dimples were indented deep into his cheeks.

He scratched his ruffled hair trying to think of what to say, his nose crinkled tightly in the cutest way possible.

“Well um, what’s your name?”

I brought my head back up at him

“Oh its’ Y/N”,

He repeated it back to me,  holy crap--- hearing him say my name was one way to make me melt into a puddle.

“I’m really sorry about bumping into you like this, you must have hit your head really hard huh?” he asked me as calm as he could.

“No no I’m the stupid one who wasn’t looking, you must have been trying to get somewhere right? I think I’ll go but…”

He placed his hand on my shoulder, his face tilted like a curious cat. He examined my eyes as if he were trying to see through me or read my mind.

“Wait a minute, you’re the girl I saw today”, his voice exhilarating into excitement, as his eyes squinting into crescents.

My face burned bright with a wave of blush on my cheeks, how is it possible that he could even remember my face?

“Yeah it’s you”, he chuckled in realization

“No--I mean yes but are sure you gave the letter to the right person?”, I felt like he was gonna say yes.

“Are you kidding me, I could see your smile from miles away!”

*SCREAMS INTERNALLY* Ughhh I could have died on the spot hearing those words coming out of his mouth! My legs turned into wobbly jello, hopefully, he didn’t notice my shaky knees.

I gulped a heap of saliva before I spoke, only to let out a weird, awkward laugh.

“I mean how could I not? You play absolutely insane Kirk”, my enthusiastic voice turning soft on him.

He slapped the air playfully trying to dismiss my compliment


We both laughed awkwardly at the ground, I was hardly capable of making eye contact with him. I felt as though any second I was going to wake up from the dream-like moment. 

“Did you read my letter?”

I timidly nodded my head and gave him a wobbly smile.

“What do you say Y/N, you wanna hang out at our place, and by “my place” I mean the hotel the guys and I have been sleeping in this past week. It’s nothing fancy”, he nose-sniffled a laugh.

I stood up straight and finally gave him a steady look.

“I’d love to!”, my face lit up with joy, how stupid I looked next to him being this excited.

“Alright!!”, his face scrunched and lifted up his hand to form devil horns in the air. 

How could anyone say no to him?

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