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Volume 1 | Chapter 20
face the music

"Someone's Turing the handle to faucet to your eyes"
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    ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽༓☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅"Someone's Turing the handle to faucet to your eyes"  ╔═══════⋅•⋅ ೋღ🌹ღೋ⋅•⋅═══════╗

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══⋅•⋅ ೋღ🌹ღೋ⋅•⋅══
This chapter contains:
•substance abuse
Please skip this chapter if you feel uncomfortable with reading about these topics. If not read with caution.
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Her face dropped. Sulking, your mother knew it was her brother. She didn't answer. Tonight was dedicated to her and her own problems. And the Whisky. After all, the two spent hours together anyway. Whatever Shota had to say, he could've said it during school hours.

"I thought you said self-pity doesn't help with your problems"

"Shota. What the hell are you doing here at midnight" She sighed heavily.

"I got a call" He yawned. Taking a set at your table. His eyes moved up to the bottle your mother had.

"Really with drinks?" He instantly got up. They stared each other in the eyes.

Kidori rolled her eyes. Using the side of her thumbnail she opened the bottle. Bring the drink up to her mouth, she glanced back up. Her mouth formed a smirk. Then she took a drink.

Wiping her mouth she narrowed her eyes.

"Don't you have a family to go to?" 

She chuckled. Her tone becoming bitter and grey.

Your mother turned around. Heading elsewhere. The whiskey bottle swinging in her hands.

"If you weren't so busy with your problems-"

"My problems?. I had no one when I was younger" She paused. Closed her eyes. Taking a breath in through her nose, then out through her mouth. Using her hands as a guide. She opened her eyes once more.

"We aren't doing this tonight"

"Rei called"

Your mother put the bottle down on the floor next to her. She took a step closer. Looking her brother in eyes. He could feel her agitation.

"Something about a fight between Y/N and Shoto"

⋅• ⋅•⋅⊰∙∘☽──────ೋღ🌹ღೋ──────☾∘∙⊱⋅•⋅

"That was b*thy of you, imagine she just came back from six years alone in an insane asylum and tell her your trauma was worse?" Touya sighed. Turning his head to look at his younger brother. I mean what was he meant to say???

"Maybe he didn't mean it like that"

"Oh no he meant it feathers" Touya leant back. Listening to Keigo ramble.

"Knowing my sister, she won't let this one go. Unless you apologise or you screwed" Keigo blew a breath out. Slumping down, he looked at the house opposite.

If it works

When he saw you, you looked tired. Your eyes were dark and dull. Your hair a tangled mess. More something he would go with on the weekends. Keigo vaguely smiled. He really did love you and wanted to help. But he knew he couldn't. And that fact he was trying to talk to shoto, instead of cursing him out, showed that.

He was helpless.

"Keigo's right. Your f*cked either way shoto" Touya didn't know what to say. That his brothers, only childhood friend was probably gone for good. Or that she wouldn't get any better.

"You should tell her mother" Touya shrugged.

"Y/N is a good person Shoto maybe Touya's right. Aunt Kidori may see sense"

"Fuyumi? When did you get here"

Touya's head slightly turned. Then back once they made eye contact.

"Through the windows like the rest of you-"

She paused. Taking a set next to Touya.

"Look Y/N can be odd when it comes to things like this. I'm not trying to say what you did was right. Just give her time"

Shoto glanced up to see your bedroom light was on. He remembered how you used to knock on his window when you couldn't sleep. Or how the two of you would read together. Or when you spent a while leap of his father's money.

"What the f*ck did you do?"

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