Chapter 17 : Old Friends

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Ezra and Vanessa left the prison together after the intense fight against Logshire! The prison is now gone..burned to the ashes,maybe still burning,and they have to find their friends!

Vanessa : We should go look for the others!

Ezra : ...

Ezra : We can't..not right now.

Vanessa : Why not??

Ezra :'s not safe!

Vanessa : *Slaps him*

Ezra : ...

Vanessa : Are you crazy?!

Vanessa : Our friends are out there,and the only thing you can think of is being safe??

Vanessa : What the fuck?

Ezra : Do you think I'm the one being crazy?

Vanessa : Of course you are!

Ezra : Then why the fuck did you slap me?

Vanessa : To knock some sense into you!

Ezra : So you think I don't want to go back?

Vanessa : Huh?

Ezra : I want to save them as much as you do..but I don't want to die..

Vanessa : What do you mean?

Ezra : That place is full of walkers right now!

Ezra : Think a little bit!

Vanessa : ...

Ezra : We are fucked up from that war against Logshire so can you cut me some slack??

Ezra : We go,we find supplies,rest up and then go!

Ezra : If you want to go back there and die,good luck.

Ezra : But I don't want to have you on my concience!

Vanessa : ...

Ezra : *Turns around*

Vanessa : Fine!

Ezra : ...

Vanessa : But we'll go back for Liam and the others!

Ezra : You have my word..

Ezra : We will search for them..

Ezra : Each and every single one!

Ezra : But for now...let's go!

Vanessa : Okay.

5 hours later...

Ezra : A damn house..

Vanessa : Shit.

Ezra : We walked with almost nothing for 5 fucking hours and we find just a fucking house!


Vanessa : Calm down,mambo!

Vanessa : You're gonna bring walkers on us!

Ezra : Tch..whatever!

Ezra : Let's go inside.

Vanessa : We should..

3 hours later...

Vanessa : Nothing over here..

Ezra : I found some food,not much though..

Ezra : It's enough to get us through the night..

Ezra : I'm gonna go upstairs to sleep,you stay by the fire,okay?

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