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"Those who come to the table are those that shall enjoy the festivities"

What I mean by this is that you can only expect as much as you give, this covers a couple of rules in one. Please give decently sized responses, a paragraph or two. The more, the better. If you are giving responses with no depth and no character then it's hard for your partner to respond with more character and depth. That doesn't mean that if you give a two paragraph response and the other gives a multi-comment reply (Though that is also good, just try not to go overboard), then you have to match their length. But if your partner is giving a two paragraph response and you give a three sentence reply, then it's not really fair on the other person.

As well as this, try to interact with the other person as much as possible. I understand if you're giving an inner monologue sorta deal then it's hard to interact with the other character but you could do something like this;

How could the Withered fall from Daedalus' grace? How could those that disobeyed Daedalus' expect favor from him?

Daedalus turned towards Varinks, messenger from the Lanterns. "Message for you," Varinks refrained from looking directly at Daedalus, Daedalus let out a small chuckle as he gestured for Varinks to come closer. "You're missing something from the end of that statement; you will address me as King."

Something like that? I'll trust that you guys understand.

Also, this is a group Role-play, not individual. So include others.

"I don't understand you, you're not speaking properly."

Again, this will cover a few rules. Firstly: use the appropriate grammar as it's annoying when people are mid-sentence and then they see a 'your' instead of a 'you're', it just sub-consciously takes the reader out of the response and ruins the immersion. We're on here to be writers and to read; try to help us along. Secondly: Use proper English as this is mostly English. Obviously if your character is from another country that speaks a foreign language then it makes sense for them to speak that other language, especially if they haven't learnt English. It's also alright to occasionally speak the foreign language if they speak English, for example one of my characters has German and French parents and speaks both language fluently so he will occasionally speak German or French just out of nature instinct. Along with this, no text-talk like 'idk, ffs, wdym?' again they take the reader out of the immersion. Thirdly: be respectful to other cultures and languages, I'm personally not comfortable having characters who are racists in my role plays so if you wish to make a character like that then please find a different role play or make a different character. Lastly: try your best to spell things correctly, the occasional mistake is alright but I'll talk to you if you keep misspelling things. Along with this, different dialects of the same language spell things differently eg: the world colour and the word color. They both mean the same thing, one's just the British way of spelling things and the other is American. Also don't be a grammar nazi.

"You're really gonna judge me for what?"

I think this is pretty self-explanatory but this is 2021, prejudice and hateful speech is not going to be tolerated. Things I won't accept is discrimination against the role-player for things they cannot control: race, sexuality, ethnicity, and gender. I will also not accept discrimination against the role-player for things like religion, life-choices, and preferences for character types. I think this rule is explanatory.

"My life wasn't always so dark, it was actually quite nice before the bombs."

This is a dark themed role-play, it has themes that some people may not like such as murder and war. Things along that line. So if you don't like things like that then I would advise against joining this role-play. Along these lines, swearing and all that jazz is alright but sex scenes? Yeah take that to private messages please, people aren't comfortable reading that stuff. Romance and flirting is fine (within reason of course) but sex? Yeah no.

"I don't even know who you are, I haven't seen you in months."

Please, for the love of the heavens, give me something to work with in your forms. If you give me a form that isn't so great, that is really obviously half-assed, then I'll give you a warning to give me some more stuff and if you can't do that then I will have to deny your form. Giving me a form that is half-assed means that I cannot do anything with your character so please give me some juice, some stuff that I can (respectfully and with much warmth) torture your character with. Your characters came from a literal experimentation hell, they were tortured, sliced open, injected with chemicals etc and if they didn't (Which they can) then they have seen and done some pretty horrible stuff in the New World.

Another thing, no perfect characters. I was reading one of my characters from this role-play that I've made and I thought that he was perfect but I gave him flaws and weaknesses, things that can be used against him. An example is that my boy Daedalus is quite intelligent, but he doesn't know how to use this intelligence other than to manipulate people. He's smart but he's not good at being smart. Connected to this, no over-powered characters. I'll talk to you if they are. Equally as fair, if you think one of my characters is OP then please, tell me. I'm not mean and scary, Daedalus on the other hand? Well yeah he is.

Last bit on this one. If you're character is part of the Withered Gang, and you're OC is hanging out with the AD (Acolyte Descendants AKA The Withered's direct rival if not enemy) then it doesn't make much sense. They may in private if they knew each other before the bombs but again, they have ideological differences which is a main divider in this RP and therefore may not agree all the time. Also meeting someone from an enemy gang is basically social and literal suicide.

"Put it with the other decapitated heads"

This bit is just other general rules.

Please post in threads, keeping this role-play clean and tidy is the only thing keeping me from going insane. I'll also make the threads and you can ask for individual ones or other ones as well.

This role-play does have roles but they aren't the only characters or else the whole gang aspect of this role-play wouldn't work. Those that aren't in a position of power at the start will have numerous opportunities to gain power. These are raider gangs, unstable and fractured as it is.

Drama, Lights, Action! Please make drama, I'll assign some admins for those that want to be. But they aren't the only ones that should be making drama, this role-play does have a plot but separate stuff can happen and I'll throw in random events to keep things interesting.

There are what some would call magical powers in this role-play but they are more like scientific advancements, so with each power you list there needs to be a scientific meaning. The most a leader can have is 4 and an average joe may have 1 power.

If I see fit, I'll add more rules.

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