Chapter 16

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I woke up the same way I do every day, I woke up to my annoying alarm, got dressed and left to go downstairs. "A taxi please." I smile at the receptionist. I sit down on the sofa nearby and I pull out my phone to look at my schedule. I have two lectures that are boring. "Pops, hi." Alex greets me. I stand up and smile. "Hey." I reply. He looks different today, he's wearing smarter clothes. "Have you ordered a taxi?" He asks. I nod. "Mind if I come with you?" He asks. I shake my head. "Not at all." I grin. He nods. "How many lectures have you got today?" He asks. He's shaven too and clearly gotten a haircut. "Two." I sigh. He smiles. "Could be worse, you could have three." He smirks. I spoke to Rita last night and she mentioned something about Alex and Andre having "issues" in the past, over girls or something. I don't know what she meant, if I'm being honest, she just said that Alex dated someone that Andre liked. I'm pretty sure she said that they were like sixteen at the time but apparently, Andre brings it up a lot in arguments. If Andre has something against Alex, why hasn't he asked to move to a different apartment? It's none of my business. Speaking of Andre, where is he this morning? I turn to look outside of the window. "My taxi is here, let's go." I smile. We walk outside, the driver greets me and we sit down inside of the car. I check my watch, I don't have time for breakfast this morning. We arrive at the University and walk through the gates. "I was thinking, do you want to go out with me tonight?" He asks, grinning. I need to catch up on some assignments, I shrug. "Maybe, depends." I shrug. He frowns and then sighs. "Poppy, do you not like me or something?" He asks, frowning. I shake my head. What?  "Of course I like you, I'm just busy at the moment, sorry." I assure him. Why would he think that? "You're not acting like it, you're always trying to run away. We can stop this whole thing right now, if that's what you want." Alex retorts. I huff. "This whole thing", what thing? He's so immature. "I've got somewhere to be." I roll my eyes and walk away. He's acting like we're ten years old, like when you would argue over something petty. I walk over to the door and I see Angelica smirking at me. I roll my eyes and walk inside. The bell goes just before I can sit down, I walk to my lecture hall. Everyone starts to walk inside and I do the same. I walk over to my seat, I roll my eyes. I sit down next to Alex. We didn't speak during the lecture, he just grunted at me or sighed. We're now packing up our stuff to leave, I walk outside and someone grabs my hand, I turn around. "Poppy, I'm sorry I acted so pathetic earlier, I hope you can forgive me." He sighs. I nod. "It's fine, I understand." I smile. He's holding my hand still, after from stopping me. I try to let go and he moves his hand. I nod and walk off. "Oi." I hear someone yell. I turn around to see Daisy, I roll my eyes. What now? "I wonder what Andre would think." She laughs. Angelica walks over to Daisy, she pulls out her phone. She starts playing multiple audios. "Of course I like you.", "We can stop this whole thing now.", are the two sentences recorded. So? She then shows me a picture of me and Alex holding hands from before. I roll my eyes and chuckle. "And? They prove nothing, we're just friends." I roll my eyes. Daisy laughs. "We'll see what Andre thinks, won't we?." Angelica smirks. Daisy glares at me, I roll my eyes. "You can either deal with Andre's reaction to seeing these or you can do me a favour, you can stay away from him." Daisy smirks. What? They're so pathetic, I laugh. "I'm not making a deal with you." I roll my eyes. She frowns. "Fine." She huffs. I walk away before she can say anything else, she thinks she owns the place. I see Andre talking to Mark, I walk the other way to my next lecture. I'm going to have to sit next to Alex in that as well, I huff. I notice Rita, I walk over to her. "Can I talk to you?" I ask. She nods. I tell her everything and she rolls her eyes. "Andre won't believe her over you, don't worry." She smiles. "I'm not worried about us." I try to explain but I'm interrupted.  "Poppy, Andre wants to talk to you, he's downstairs." Alejandra smiles. I sigh and walk downstairs. I gulp when I notice Andre, he's frowning at his phone. I walk over to him. "Hi." I smile. I sit down opposite him. "What's up?" I ask. He shakes his head. "I wanted to see you." He smiles. I laugh. "Andre, there's something I should tell you." I sigh as I'm interrupted by the bell. "I've got to go, I need to discuss something with the dean." Andre stands up. "See you later." He winks at me and walks off. I walk to my next lecture and I walk into the hall. Alex smiles at me and I falsely smile. I sit down beside him. If Andre finds out before I can tell him, I'll be so annoyed. I barely even listened in that lecture, I couldn't concentrate. The bell goes and I pack all of my stuff away as fast as possible. I run out of the room and run downstairs. I see Andre in front of me, laughing with Jorge. I run up to him, out of breath. "Woah, are you ok?" Andre chuckles. I really need to go to the gym. "Yes, I need to talk to you." I smile. He nods and walks over to the corner, no one else is around. "What's wrong?" He asks. I catch my breath. "Daisy and Angelica approached me earlier, they had an audios of me and Alex talking. I told him that I liked him but I meant as friends, he said that we could "stop this whole thing" but he meant he would leave me alone. There was also a picture of us holding hands, I know how it sounds, but he wanted to apologise so he grabbed my hand to stop me. I wanted to tell you first before they showed you, I'm sorry." I sigh. Andre bursts out into laughter. I look at him, shocked. "Daisy threatened to show you them unless I stayed away from you." I add. He continues laughing. "What are you laughing at?" I ask. He chuckles. "You're funny, you're acting like you did something terrible, it's not like you kissed him." He smirks. I roll my eyes. "I'm glad you find it funny, I didn't pay attention in an important lecture due to worrying about you finding out before I could tell you." I retort. He shakes his head and laughs. "Pops, I know you wouldn't do anything like that." He laughs. I sigh. "Ok." I nod. He smiles at me. "I'm leaving, do you want to get lunch at the café?" He asks. I grin whilst nodding. "Sure." I smile. He winks at me. I blush. Andre is so sweet, I can't believe I thought he was an ignorant, cold hearted jerk a few months ago and now I want to spend all of my time with him. It's so strange, really, how your feelings can change so quickly. I think that if we hadn't argued in the beginning, we wouldn't be together. It's really strange, I remember my thoughts of him in class, he would annoy me constantly but now, I don't care. I really like Andre but the amount of drama, it's so irritating, it's never ending. I think we've dealt with enough drama to last a lifetime this year. I just wish it would all stop, I guess I should of known really, I knew that Daisy would be on my case twenty-four seven. I just hope that it all ends soon, maybe next year it'll all be different. We haven't been dating for long so I just hope that nothing else goes wrong, no more drama, we've dealt with enough. Really though, what else could happen?

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