The Dream - Part 1

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 'The Tomb Runner'

‘’That it. Now I’m trapped.’’

John’s dad; Tim, gave a slight chuckle and shouted upwards in reply. ‘’Come on! You can do it champ!’’

John looked down from the tall tree that he was struggling to climb back down from. Tim stood, smirking to himself at his son’s demise. John gave a sharp frown at his father’s amusement. ‘’Let’s see how well you fair up here old man!’’ Matt’s smirk grew ever wider as he gives another light chuckle.

John slowly removed his left foot from the thin branch, clinging to the trunk of the towering oak for dear life. His fingernail’s dug into the rough brown bark. ‘’Agh! Am I near the next branch? I can’t look down!’’

‘’I’m not helping you. If you fall, then on your own head be it,’’ Tim said in reply.

John let out a frustrated moan and lowered his foot slightly more, finding the branch beneath him.

John continued to lower one foot after the other finding his way down the tree, growing more confident in his steps. He lowered his foot onto the next branch and it squeaked and then snapped, sending John down towards the Earth as he landed on his back with a thump.

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