The Journey - Part 2

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John’s body shot up from his slumber, breathing rapidly from the dream which awoke him.

‘’John?’’ A young man in his late twenties stared at John with concern filling his face.

‘’Huh?’’ John tried to collect himself.

’Bad dream matey?’’ The man asked in his strong Australian accent.

‘’Uh, yeah… Kinda,’’ John replied.

John snaps out of his trance and come back to his senses. ‘’What time is it, Matt?’’ The man named Matt, pulls up his red checked sleeve and looks at the blue digital watch on his left arm. ‘’Almost 6am matey, you woke up right on time.’’

‘’Thanks,’’ John said, scratching his head. ‘’One hell of a dream,’’ He whispered to himself.

John gave a yawn while stretching his arms upwards. He unzipped his sleeping bag and gets up using his right hand to support his ascent.

‘’We have fifteen minutes to get everything packed away, and then we have five minutes to route out our plan. We’ll be walking from here on out and leaving the jeep in this here cave, before we leave we hide the entrance to the cave with that camouflage in the back of the jeep. Clear?’’ Quizzed Matt.

‘’Crystal,’’ said John, getting right to work and wasting no time at all.

Both men were already dressed. The only difference between their outfits was the colour of their checked shirts; Matt in his red and John in his blue. Dust and dirt marks were smeared across their faces from days before. The cave in which they slept was quite spacious towards the back, but the entrance was narrow.

*Twenty minutes later*

‘’So, we’ll take this route and we should see a small waterfall near our destination, got it?’’

‘’Got it. Think we’ll get any trouble?’’ John asked Matt.

‘’Guess we’ll find out. Besides, if there’s no danger, then it’s not fun,’’ Matt gave a chuckle and tapped John on the back, heading towards the entrance.

John shook his head and followed Matt to the entrance, picking up his desert coloured bag on his way out.

Both men pushed the jeep into the cave, folding in the side-view mirrors so it fit and then they pulled down a sheet of camouflage that had already been strung up to look like it’s part of the vines above them.

John looked around taking in his surroundings. The jungle in which he stood was vast and full of life. The sounds of nature’s natural activity resonated in his ears.

Matt started jogging and passed John saying, ‘’try to keep up matey.’’ John smirked at his comment. He stretched both his legs and arms, and started to jog through the jungle, hoping to reach his destination soon.

*Ten minutes later*

‘’Hold up John,’’ Matt said breathing heavily.

‘’Keep up you said, yet you can’t do it yourself,’’ John said slyly, giving a slight grin of amusement.

‘’Look at her, ain’t she a beauty, Matt.’’ John and Matt stood before an ancient stone door with ancient symbolic meanings chipped into it.

John approached the door and felt around for a gap in the stone, which he could fit a tablet into to open the door.

‘’Found it,’’ John took out the stone tablet from his bag and slotted the tablet into the gap.

The old ruin of a door made a echoing crack sound and ever so slowly, it began to open, sliding to the left and finally, out of sight, leaving an opening for the entrance.

‘’This is it, Matt. This is the Tomb of Kamohoali'I, the ancient Hawaiian Goddess and keeper of water.

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