Meeting the school

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The school day opened ajar as we snaked our way to ' The Lakewood Premier'. I had obviously passed my interview to have this golden chance. I found Mr. Alvin who administered my interview. After having a lengthy chit chat with my parents. I bid them goodbye as i was taken to my class. The reception was hospitable. Every pupil stared at me as i walked into the class. From afar i saw Milan at a certain corner giving me an enticing smile. He frantically gesticulated me to sit next to him, which i did asap, emotions running high. Little did i know that this was the foundation of leaving stars. I saw teachers walking up and down to their respective posts. They we really devoted to their job. It was a mathematics lesson when i found my favorite teacher, Tr Gofrey. His Nigerian accent was just it. As soon as he was done with his lesson, everyone started mimicking his voice and catch frases. "Touch down," Milan said. The whole class bust into laughter. His stern voice slightly hoarse and a wide face. His lips were wide we used to think, if he laughed to hard his lips would split his ears🐺. Other than that everything in that school was normal. A huge soccer pitch;the school parade(basketball pitch). An upcoming swimming pool, which remains a reverie of apparitions.
I made quite a number of friends in the school everyone just seemed to understand me. I couldn't be happier. It was time for us to part ways and go to out humble abodes. Joy enveloped me with everything step i took. We walked side by side with Milan until home. It was one of the best days of my life. Well good things never last the rest of my experience was a whole new picture..take a look>>

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2022 ⏰

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