Chapter 1

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The Sakusa kingdom is one of the main kingdoms in the world. The streets were always crowded but people still were able to live in them without getting trod on. Two of those people were the Miya twins also known as Atsumu Miya and Osamu Miya. 

On a cold, winters day where the kingdom was covered in a fresh coat of snow which would be nice for some but the people who didn't have a warm, cosy house to base themselves in where suffering. Osamu is one who got the worst case and was sick before the winter weather finally kicked in and it did not help his illness. Atsumu was very worried and was holding Osamu close so he can transfer enough heat even if he got cold. Before the snow day Atsumu has tried getting medicine but he couldn't pay for it; that made him realise that he needed to get a job if he was going to help his twin.

Atsumu has tried getting some jobs but was always fired because his lack of hygiene and energy which he didn't have because he doesn't eat much nor sleep. The reason of not having much food is because he normally gives it to Osamu and will eat some extra food he can sometimes gain. Although all the bull shit Atsumu has to deal with is what he is used to and he always tries his best to get around it. After a while of being sacked he finally won a job and that was a maid at the royal palace. Atsumu was surprised but took it as an opportunity. 

Once Atsumu got this information he ran to his and Osamus den which was just on the side off the streets in a small alleyway. He flipped up the small cloth flap that they used as a door and yelled "I got a good one Samu and I mean a good one!" Osamu looked up with a tired, pale face replying with "what you talking about Tsumu?" Atsumu then said still in a shout"A job a fucking job" he was by now bouncing up and down in excitement "and it's at the palace to" The last part of what Atsumus statement shocked Osamu but then he just felt proud and excited for his brother. "when do you start" Osamu questioned with a curious look on his face. "tomorrow I think" Atsumu replied and sat down ready to start setting up there meal of scraps.


Atsumu woke up to a slightly lit night sky and a freezing breeze blow across his slim frame which he was washing with a cloth and some fairly clean water. He dried off and has some dried bread while brushing his soft, brown and golden hair. Finally he placed some of the leftover bread and some clean water next to his brother and kissed his forehead with a "goodbye stay safe" right after.

After some walking he reached the palace and the sky was now pink from the sunrise. When he went into the palace he showed his job approval letter he had received and led to a small room where his uniform and a few supplies he needed. He put on his outfit which was a black suit which fit well around Atsumus body.

                                                                   (This is what the suit looked like)

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                                                                   (This is what the suit looked like)

Once he had changed he grabbed his supplies and walked out of this room, again being led to where he'll be working. The palace was gigantic and was covered inch to inch with expensive things that looked like they were pretty important. The walls were coloured with a crimson red and shiny gold, all patterned with pretty designs. Atsumu by now was feeling very out of place but tried not to think to hard of it and kept following the man that was leading him.

A small while later he arrived to a room with a big, hardwood door which had carving of a weasel on it. The man knocked on it and after some rustling of what sounded like papers and a chair scratch against a floor the door jolted open revealing a dark haired and very handsome man. 

Thats the first chapter and I hope you liked it. This story will be updated fairly regularly and hope you have an amazing day.

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