Chapter 2

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Atsumu was looking at the man who had thick black hair which had waves at the ends, pitch black eyes that looked like they could stare into your soul, soft pink lips and a very fit body. Atsumu was staring at the man until he was broke out of his trance when the man said "what is Wilbur I just woke up and not in the mood for anything that involves prince shit." Atsumu was surprised by his attitude but also was mesmerised by the mans voice. It was deep and had a certain charm to it that made it sound so handsome. Wilbur who Atsumu assumed was also a servant bowed and said "your highness I apologise for my disturbance but your new private maid is here to be introduced." Atumus mind spun after hearing what Wilbur had just said 'your highness?' 'private maid?' he couldn't help but think of what job he had applied for. Atsumu stood there with a confused look until the handsome man spoke saying "Ok then I'll take him and you can leave me alone." After he said that Wilbur apologised and speedily shuffled away. I started to get stressed and couldn't even face the man.

After a small while of Atsumu looking down awkwardly in the mans doorway the man said "well come in and look at me" Atsumu looked up with a slight tint of fear which is pretty unnoticeable and just nods and walks into the big room. The man then introduced himself and told Atsumu how he "Sakusa Kiyoomi the prince of this kingdom" Atsumu was frozen when he heard this and sputtered out "prince?" Sakusa rolled his eyes and said "yeah and your my new maid so you've got to do whatever I say, got that." Atsumu nodded and sat where Sakusa had told him to. Sakusa then started telling Atsumu things he'll need to know like "you'll always have to be with me unless I have said not to be, every order I give you will do unless isn't possible, only speak to me unless spoken to by others and always be her on time." While Sakusa was saying all this he couldn't help but notice how pretty Atsumu was with his mixed hair of gold and brown, hazelnut eyes, a small, sweet smile although he seemed very thin and not well in a way. 

After their talk Sakusa told Atsumu read a book which he provided and he said to not ask why and to just do it. Atsumu sat in the corner and started reading about fairy tails although it was a lot darker and didn't have any happiness whatsoever in them. He read this while Sakusa was just doing his papers. 

(A while later)

Atsumu was nearing the end of the book, grimacing at it from time to time mainly at the illustrations that fills the book. Once he finished he was fairly disgusted and slightly scared since he didn't really like genres of that sort and much preferred romance and fluffy stuff but he did finish the book like ordered. He walked over to Sakusa desk and placed the book down on to the desk and said "done" in a slightly shaky voice still having the images stuck in his head. Sakusa looked up and had a surprised look on his face and said "really you don't look like one to be able to take that much gore and disgusting stuff like that" Atsumu stood up straight and replied saying "well ya said it was an order so I did it" Sakusa smirked and looked at the book and was impressed.  "Fine you can stay as my maid" Sakusa said and Atsumu looked confused and stuttered out "wait what? was this a test and I passed" he was slightly panicking until he felt a hand on his shoulder. "calm down you passed and the rules I made are still to be followed.

Atsumu let out a sigh of relief and smiled warmly to the prince. "Thank ya I will do my best" and with that they both sat down, Sakusa on his desk and Atsumu next to him stamping papers Sakusa passed him and placing them in a paper holder.

Heres chapter 2 and I hope you enjoyed. Have a great day (: If it says finished reading its not I'm still trying to figure it out and don't know how to stop that yet so please hang with me while I figure that out.

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