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Hadley sat at the dinner table watching Ulric and Clay discuss matters about the kingdom. "Do they ever talk about normal everyday life things?" Hadley asked Amaryllis.

Amaryllis sighed. "Unfortunately not. Not unless you force them to stop. Ulric and Clay! Is there anything else for the two of you to talk about? I'm sure you can find something else to speak about at our family dinner other than politics."

Both of the men's eyes snapped to her. A smile stretched across Ulric's face as he stared at his mate. He stood up from his spot beside Clay and kissed Amaryllis on the cheek. "You're right, love. I'm sorry." Amaryllis patted his cheek and kissed him back.

Hadley's heart swelled at their interaction. They were so precious.

"What's new with my babies? I feel like I haven't spoken to you in so long." Amaryllis asked both Clay and Hadley.

Clay sighed at Amaryllis. "Mom, we talked in to you three days ago."

"That does not matter, Clay. You're my oldest baby and my adopted daughter. It hurts my heart to not see you in person. We may have spoken on the phone three days ago but I haven't seen you in person in two weeks."

"I'm sorry, Amy," Hadley said. "We will come to visit more often." Amaryllis smiled at her and patted her hand.

"There is something new with Hadley and me," Clay stated, drawing his parents' attention to him.

"What is that?" Ulric asked.

"Hadley is aware of our mate-ship."

Amaryllis and Ulric's eyes moved to her. Her cheeks went red. "That's great," Ulric said, offering her a smile.

"Yes, that's amazing, sweetheart," Amaryllis said as she hugged Hadley.

"When did that happen?" Ulric asked, looking between the two of them.

"Two weeks ago," Clay answered.

"This is amazing! I'm so happy for you both!" Amaryllis squealed as she clapped her hands together.

Clay nodded his head and Hadley blushed at their attention.

"Yes, that is a good thing. I'm glad you finally told her, Clay," Ulric said with a smile on his lips.

"So did everyone know?" Hadley asked.

Clay nodded his head. "Everyone except Layana knows, and Emery obviously. Ace knows, Uncle Luca and Damien know, Aunt Marley and Uncle Thierry, all the cousins. The civilians don't know though. I assume some have their suspicions, but we haven't told anyone outside of the family. I didn't want to risk anyone telling you prematurely or before I could."

"Hmmm, interesting." She couldn't believe that all these people knew something about her for almost fifteen years that she didn't know about herself. She wasn't mad, it was just a little weird to contemplate.

"I don't smell your scents combined, so you must've not had your way with each other yet," Lief said as he walked into the dining room.

"Leif, shut up. Don't speak to your brother and his mate like that," Amaryllis scolded her youngest son.

Leif chuckled at Amaryllis but offered an apology to Hadley. Hadley had no clue what they were talking about, but she assumed it had something to do with sex.

"What is he talking about?" She asked.

Clay, who was glaring at Leif, moved his gaze to Hadley. "When a couple completes the mate bond with consummation, their scents combine to form a new unique scent."

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