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Hadley shut her laptop when the last lecture of the day had finished. Just as she stood up from the couch, a knock on the door sounded. She scurried over to the door and opened it, seeing Hazel waiting for her.

"Thank God it's Friday," she said as she leaned against the doorway.

"I know. I feel like this week has been impossibly long."

She turned and grabbed her purse from off the hook on the wall. "How is your back?"

Hazel turned and lifted her shirt up her back. Hadley winced as she saw the scar, a permanent reminder of what happened that day, that even vampires faced mortality.

Vampires healed quickly, but wooden stakes especially when lodged so deeply in the skin, left scars.

"I'm sorry, Hazel."

She sighed and gripped Hadley by the shoulders. "Quit apologizing! It was not your fault, I do not blame you. I'm breathing and alive and that is all that matters."

Hadley sighed but nodded. She would forever feel guilty about what happened, but Hazel was right, it wasn't her fault. That blame was on her parents alone.

"Okay, okay, okay, I'll stop."

Hazel smiled and hooked their arms together. "Let's go."

They sat down at a table in their favorite cafe in town. Hadley smiled at the interior of the building. "I've missed it here since we've been at school."

In high school, they used to go to the cafe weekly, but since they were three hours away at college, it wasn't as convenient to go anymore.

Hazel wiggled in her seat. "I know, I'm so excited! I'm gonna get the chicken sandwich. I've missed their chicken so much. What are you getting?"

"Hmmm, I don't know yet," Hadley said as she read the menu. Everything sounded good. "I think I'll get the shrimp tacos."

Hadley dug in once their food was dropped off at the table, but Hazel seemed distracted, looking over at the door.

"What's wrong?" She asked, wiping her face off with a napkin.

Hazel didn't answer, so Hadley turned to see what she was staring at. A man she'd seen around the castle before was walking toward them, specifically toward Hazel.

Excitement started to bubble in her stomach as he approached the table. She was so excited for Hazel!

"Hi," he said, stopping in front of the table.

"Hi," Hazel said back, smiling at him.

"I'm Flynn."

Hazel scooted over in her seat and he sat down next to her. "I'm Hazel."

Hadley grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder and started to scoot out of the booth.

"I'm sorry, Princess, I didn't realize you were sitting there," Flynn said, giving her a customary greeting that everyone did when they were in the presence of a member of the Royal family.

She shook her head and stepped out of the booth. "No, you're good. Don't mind me," she said, backing away from the table with her plate. She turned and walked toward the counter to sit down there. She wanted to give Hazel space with her new mate, but she also was not missing out on her tacos.

After she finished eating, she paid before turning around and taking a quick glance at Hazel. His arm was wrapped around her shoulders and her hand was pressed to his chest. Her stomach warmed as she saw her friend truly happy with her mate. Finding love with her mate was Hazel's most sought-after goal, and she finally achieved it.

Touch of InnocenceWhere stories live. Discover now