The truth

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Kate's P.O.V.

"Blake, we can't do this here!" I said giggling between kisses as we entered his room.

"Your parents are down stairs." I argued as we made our way to the bed.

"I don't care." he said breathlessly and we continued to kiss. He removed my shirt and started trailing kisses down to my stomach. I hooked my fingers around the hem of his shirt and he helped me lift it off. I grabbed hand fulls of his hair making him groan. He started making his way up again, but my eyes were now closed. He kissed me passionately and when he pulled away, I opened my eyes. It wasn't Blake kissing me anymore, It was Damon. He smirked at me and continued to kiss me.

"Damon!" I gasped.

And then I woke up. 

I shot up from the bed panting.

"Good morning, sleepy head. Had a nice dream?" Damon smirked leaning against the wall of the room. I watched him wide eyed. Why was I dreaming about him? He practically killed me. Wait how am I still alive? Because I'm pretty sure I almost died...

"How am I alive?" I asked finally snapping out of my daze. And I'm pretty sure Damon was in a daze too, because when I spoke up, he was trying to hide the fact that he was staring at me. 

"Enjoying the view?" I asked in a smug tone.

"Immensely." he simply answered.

"Stefan, the sleeping beauty is awake and living." Damon shouted to the door. Only a few moments later, Stefan entered the room.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Stefan asked coming closer to me. I winced and he immediately stopped.

"I'm sorry." he said with guilt in his voice.

"Can someone please answer me, what the hell is happening. Because one thing I'm enjoying a drink at a bar, and the next thing I'm almost killed, tortured and now I'm sleeping in some strangers bed." I said in a harsh tone.

"Guilty!" Damon raised his hands earning a death glare from Stefan.

After that, Stefan explained everything. And by everything I mean the reason why I was kidnapped and the fact that I was still alive after what Damon did to me...They were vampires. At first I let out a laugh, but judging by their serious faces, I knew they were telling the truth. Turns out they are the original Salvatore brothers, I found out about in the archives. And Katherine was their lover. They both loved her at the time and she was the one who turned them into vampires. She was supposed to be locked up in a tomb underneath a church, the last  146 years or so, so I guess that explains why Damon was so surprised when he saw me. They also told me, that vervain is poisonous to vampires and that if a person in wearing it, they can't be compelled. And also, their blood can heal a human. I guess the last one came in handy, after Damon almost killed me. They also told me, that a wooden stake through heart can kill a vampire. Huh, so If I had hit Damon that night with the stake through his heart not stomach, he would of been dead. After Stefan explaining me all of that, we all fell in silence. They both looked at me expecting me to run or scream, but I didn't. I just sat there, trying to put the pieces together. 

My mom always wearing vervain. The stakes. The fairy tales about blood-sucking monsters. And always being reminded to 'believe'....My parents knew about vampires. But I was pretty damn sure, they weren't vampires, so I guess that made them vampire hunters. So that meant, that vampires were dangerous.

"So can I go home now?" I asked in a calm tone, taking them by surprise

"I'm sorry but you can't. You still have vampire blood in your system and if you die, then.." Stefan stopped and looked at the floor.

"Then you'll become a vampire." Damon shrugged continuing his brothers sentence.

"WHAT?" I snapped and Stefan flinched at how angry I was.

"Yeah, Stefan kind of forgot to mention that part. Basically, if you die with vampire blood in your system, you'll be in transition and then you either die or complete the transition by drinking human blood and voila you're a vampire." Damon explained.

"I have managed to keep myself alive for seventeen years, what makes you think I can't do it for another 24 hours?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Can't take any chances." Stefan shrugged and left the room. I noticed, that Damon hadn't moved a bit, and he was still gawking at me.

"So I guess I'll be staying here for a while.." I said trying to get rid of the awkward silence.

"Bummer." Damon said in a fake disappointment.

"Where is your shower?" I asked casually getting up from the bed. I was feeling a hundred times better and my head wasn't hurting anymore. Guess blood really did the trick. 

"Wh-what?" Damon asked dumbstruck. I just smiled and skipped towards him.

"Look, if I'm staying here, I want to take a shower. These clothes are all vomity and icky." I pouted starting to undo the buttons of my blouse.

"Oh, yeah, you can just use my shower. It's right over there." he pointed to one of the doors.

I had gotten to the last button of my shirt and he was still standing in the same spot.

"Are you staying for the shower?" I smirked and he shook his head.

"Oh right.. " he quickly exited the room and  I walked into the bathroom. I was about to lock the door, but I noticed, that there wasn't a lock of any sort. Wow, how convenient, Damon.' I huffed to myself. But I was really in a need for a shower, so I just got undressed and got in. I spent a good half an hour in the shower. Well actually I spent 5 minutes properly washing and 25 just thinking about life and what was happening. 

When I got out, I started looking for a towel, but of course there wasn't one. Then I started looking for my clothes, but couldn't find them either.

"DAMON!" I yelled angrily and even without vampire hearing, I could hear him snickering. He was probably doing this, to get back at me for making him uncomfortable. But oh how he was wrong. No one could make me feel uncomfortable. I slowly opened the door and peeked through. Damon was laying on the bed with his hands tucked behind his head. So I took a deep breath and walked out of the bathroom.

"Enjoyed the shower?" Damon asked, his eyes still closed.

"Immensely." I said in the same tone as he did earlier. I walked over to the chest of drawers to find a shirt, when Damon finally opened his eyes. And from the corner of my eye, I could see him shoot up from the bed and freeze.

I ignored him and started rummaging through, what I suppose were his shirts. They were mostly black button up shirts, so I just took one and turned to Damon. And as soon as he got a full glimpse of me, I swear his jaw unhinged.

"May I?" I asked raising a brow. He just nodded in response not even trying to hide the fact, that he was staring at me. I just smiled wickedly and buttoned up. He quickly snapped out and did what he did best - deflect.

"You're getting my carpet wet!" he whined.

"Oh, I'm Sorry, If someone hadn't stolen my clothes and the towel, I wouldn't be getting it wet." I snapped.

"Anyway, remember when I came to this house the first time You got me confused with someone else right?Elena?" I asked and Damon gulped.

"Baby bro. I think I'm going to need your help with this one." Damon shouted towards the door.

"You might want to sit down for this one." he squinted as Stefan entered the room

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 14, 2015 ⏰

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