4. Slippery situation

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I ate alone.

I had no idea where miss Peterson went, but I assumed she ate dinner at a different time than me. I didn't mind at all, that woman got on my nerves and I was afraid she had what it took to ruin my calm exterior. I'd prepared some pasta for myself and made some extra, for if miss. Peterson's work took so long she couldn't cook. She was quite unpleasant, but that was no reason for me to act that way as well, that's how destructive cycles happened.

Besides the food I'd made, I'd also grabbed a few sandwiches and smeared them with some peanut butter and jelly. They were lying in front of me on a plate, along with an apple. I made them for Aurora, I couldn't just let her go hungry, the thought alone made my chest ache, but I didn't know if she was in her room.

I would check after I took a shower.

I opened one of my big suitcases and grabbed my pyjamas, a cotton two piece that was more comfortable than aesthetically pleasing, and some new underwear. I really liked pretty underwear, so for that I was willing to give up part of my comfort. I didn't really wear them for anyone other than myself, I just liked going through my day knowing I secretly looked super sexy. It was a real confidence booster for some reason.

As I expected, one of the drawers of the closet in my room contained towels and I grabbed one. They were, again, incredibly soft and I sniffed them. They smelled like fresh laundry. Truly it was astounding that I, the brokest person I knew, was living in such luxury.

Taking all my stuff with me, I walked into the hallway, all the way to the room at the end. I passed Ava's door and noticed the door next to hers had a strip of light coming out underneath it.

Hm, weird.

That same door also had a lock on it, which seemed pretty strange as well, but I ignored it and kept walking. Once I got to the bathroom I inspected Aurora's door a little, there was a light on but I didn't hear anything when I knocked, so I figured she'd just forgotten to turn it off.

The bathroom was clean and smelled nice. I closed the door and locked it, noticing how there was another door to the right. I didn't think much of it, undressed, and stepped into the shower.

Now I don't know about other people, but I loved to put on music when I showered. Especially happy music, it just kinda made me feel like I was being in a cutesy, rainy movie scene.

I was just humming my way through a feisty break up song, standing with my face to the wall when I heard a click. I furrowed my brows, listening for another sound. It stayed silent for a long time until I heard some rustling behind me.

"Hello?" I asked, cringing when I noticed I'd gotten some soap in my mouth. Some more rustling sounded and then the second door slammed closed.

What the fuck?

I quickly washed the soap out of my hair and off my face, then threw open the stall door. Considering everything that had happened in this house so far, I was pretty on edge to say the least. There was no one there, that was a relief. Then I looked at where I'd laid my clothes and nearly had a heart attack.

They were gone.

"No..." I couldn't believe my eyes. "Nonononono."

Turning around, I flicked off the tap and stumbled out of the shower. I'd been pretty much done anyways and was completely out of the showering mood. Especially the happy shower mood. I thanked the heavens when I saw my towel was still there. I quickly wrapped it around my shivering body, drying myself off in a hurry.

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