Chapter 34

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》Loki's POV

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》Loki's POV

With a gasp I jolt awake, my body trembling as thick droplets of sweat slide down my body. I breathe heavily, my chest heaving up and down harshly. My body feels on fire and it feels like needles are crawling under my skin.

With a shudder, I push back the suffocating bed sheets that had been clinging to my glistening skin, and stand up. I walk to my washroom and grab the vase with water, desperately pouring some of the water into the marvelled bowl sitting on the mahogany table. This is what humans must call a sink.

I splash the water over my face and burning skin. I feel like I'm suffocating.

After my body has cooled down I press a cotton, cloth to my wet skin and then drop it besides the half full bowl.

I take a few minutes to breathe and regain my senses, and when I do I force my body to move, dragging my heavy limbs out of the dimly lit room.

I drop my body into a chair, throwing my head back in exhaustion at the thought of what I saw in my dreams.

The nightmare replays over and over, the memory so deafening it overshadowed my breathing.

Sitting up in the chair, I lean over the desk right before me and rest my elbows over its surface, and hiding my face in my palms I sigh, my warm breath caressing my skin.

I close my eyes and think about what she told me. She warned me, so my time was officially ticking.

"You really have it bad for that useless human girl, huh?" I heard a voice say. It was a voice I had been dreading to hear, hoping, praying that there was a way I could escape my past mistake. But apparently one has to pay the price of their choices no matter the cost, and I have no one to blame but myself.

"Dragrun," I greeted out. My voice was bitter, her name dancing on my tongue like a burning poison. "What do you want from me?"

"You know exactly what I want. You made a deal with my father, now where are they? Give them to me now!"

I sighed, knowing I had nothing to give her. I didn't have what she wanted and I wasn't planning to give them to her any time soon. Not when I had been working so hard to redeem myself, finally becoming the person I should be, the person I can be proud of.

"I don't have them..." I had muttered, looking down, away from her white irises that seemed like dull voids.

The next thing I knew, my head was slammed against the wall harshly, Dagrun's pale, bony fingers wrapped around my neck as her sharp, long nails dug into my flesh, drawing blood at they viciously sank into my skin.

I had grunted at the pain throbbing in my skull, gasping for air desperately.

Dagrun leaned in, her face just inches away from mine. I saw her lips curve into a mischievous smirk as if she enjoyed how helpless I looked.

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