Chapter #1

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Bella's POV:

The first day of classes had approached. I despise the first days since they tend to overwhelm me with all the introductions and pointless getting-to-know-you activities. Particularly in high school, they seem so useless because nobody really cares.

I noticed some changes when I looked in the mirror. My hair was still long, I'd gained a little weight, and I was still a B cup. A few tiny brown freckles had appeared under my eyes and around my nose from sun exposure. They used to appeal to me before someone pointed out how awful they make me look. It was one of my elementary school classmates.

I hated the concept of growing up; it truly frightened me. What would I do without my parents? How would I survive a day in college? Even though college was still far off, I couldn't stop worrying about it.

I went to my closet to pick out some clothes. It was chilly in the morning, but I knew it would get hot after a few hours. I grabbed a grey long-sleeve tee, a pair of black vintage straight jeans, and a light black zip-up hoodie.

I quickly dressed, collected my belongings, and made my way to the stairwell. My mother was not strict; in fact, she was my favorite person on the planet. My father, on the other hand, was not the best parent. He was never happy with me, and whatever I did disappointed him. His childhood punishments were dreadful—timeouts, extra hours in church, living in a room, no desserts, no technology, and no school. It was frustrating because he knew all of those things made me happy, and he took advantage of that. I rushed out the door without any breakfast. I knew if I sat at the table, my dad would go on and on about my failures. He had a literal list.

Suddenly, today reminded me of something. Him. Alec. My bully. I would have to face him today because I could no longer hide in my house or go on vacation. Summer was over, and he was back from juvie. He wasn't a physical bully; he was more of a verbal bully, but sometimes he'd push me, and it would hurt. I never knew his problem with me. I had met him when I was in elementary school around 4th or 5th grade. I remember the first day he talked to me, more like scared me.


**Flashback: Bella's POV:**

I didn't have any friends to sit with, so I ate lunch alone at a far corner table. My parents had just moved to a new city, and it sucked. They didn't even ask for my opinion.

Suddenly, a taller-than-I-am boy approached my table. He leaned in close and snatched the sandwich I was about to open. He just sat there and ate my lunch, not saying a word. He had a look of rage on his face, a lot of rage. I was curious as to what had enraged him so much.

I didn't think much about it, or maybe I was too afraid to say anything. "Hi," I mumbled. Maybe he needed a friend.

He ignored me and kept eating the other snacks in my lunch box. I knew I wasn't going to have any lunch today, not that I wanted to.

"I'm Bella, what's your name?" I tried again. I wanted to make at least one friend, no matter how mean or awful he was.

"Shut up," he angrily muttered. I immediately shut my mouth. I shouldn't have tried. Maybe he was having a bad day, I thought.

He continued eating until the bell rang. He got up and gave me a snack he had left behind. How generous of him.

"Alec," he said in a lower voice as if he didn't want anyone to hear. I was a little confused.

"What?" I hesitated as he spoke to me in a calmer way.

"Name's Alec," he said before leaving the cafeteria. I was quite happy that he answered me, and I felt like I had achieved something today. Someone had finally talked to the quiet girl.


**Flashback over**

That was my first encounter with Alec. He was awfully mean, but sometimes he'd show affection in the oddest ways possible. He felt guilty, but he didn't know how to show it.

I had to walk to school because my parents didn't believe in giving kids any privileges they didn't deserve. It wasn't a long walk, but it sucked when it was cold or super hot.

My waist was immediately grasped by an arm, and I was dragged to a hard chest. I'd smelled tobacco and mint before, and I knew where it came from. It was him. Alec was ready to sabotage another year of my life.

I glanced up; his dull hazel eyes were already staring into mine. He had a smirk on his face as he felt my nervousness.

"Missed me?" he beamed as he placed his lips against my ear. Of course, I didn't miss you, well, maybe just a little.

"Hi, Alec," I nervously greeted as my eyelids fluttered.

He was already staring through my soul as he took in my small hello. He didn't seem so satisfied; he had a hint of anger hidden on his face. I couldn't figure out why.

Hey guys, hope you liked the first chapter. Comment and vote for an update this week.

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