II - Don't Let Me Down

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After few drinks, Titania and Sirius headed to the nearest motel, both despaired to finally release the sexual tension built between them over the last years. Their first time was passionate and intense, as much as the others that followed.

At first they tried to maintain the same schedule of their love encounters after their usual meetings, but it wasn't enough for them. It didn't take long for Sirius to discover Titania had a phone just like him. They spoke almost daily and she visited his place at least once a week, sometimes staying there the weekends. It was dangerous but they were too bewitched by each other to care.

The months passed and their relationship began to escalate, although it remained a secret for everyone else.

A few days before Harry's birthday, Titania was at Sirius' place reading a letter from Lily, expressing her wish to register Titania as Harry's godmother as soon as the war finished. It was a wake-up call for Titania, the witch felt as if she wasn't doing enough to keep her best friend alive. After she started dating Sirius the days passed in a blink. She voiced her concern to him, who reassured her saying Titania was providing enough help brewing potions for the Order and promised he would keep everyone safe. Sirius confessed he had a feeling the war wouldn't take so long to end and soon they could finally live in peace.

His words weren't enough to tranquilize Titania. Trying to lift her spirits, Sirius took her hand for a dance right there at his living room. It was usual for him to let music playing not only when they were in bed, but also when they were just chatting or enjoying each other's company. It was funny for Titania seeing a pure-blood as a muggle music enthusiast. They danced a song or two until started playing 'I'm leaving on a jet plane' from John Denver. Sirius started singing along near Titania's ear, pressing her body firmly against his.

"There's so many times I've let you down,

So many times I've played around,

I tell you now, they don't mean a thing," Titania snorted with him acting so silly. He continued.

"Every place I go, I'll think of you,

Every song I sing, I'll sing for you,

When I come back, I'll bring your wedding ring."

"How about it?" Sirius suddenly asked.

"About what?" Titania blinked in confusion, as if waking up from a trance. She wasn't really paying attention to the lyrics.

"How about I put a ring on your finger?"

Titania huffed and turned her face up to him, slapping lightly his chest. "Stop joking, this is no laughing matter!" She scolded him with a small smirk tugging on her lips.

"I'm serious!" He scoffed, there was mirth on his eyes yet his voice had a sincere tone. "I've waited so long to be with you like that, now I don't want to waste time, let's make things official!"

"Isn't it too soon?" Her voice was insecure.

"Do you love me?" Sirius didn't wait for her reply. "Because I know I love you with all my heart!" He opened a smile and kissed her knuckles.

Titania gaped at him, her heart faltering for a moment. She let out a ragged breath. "I- I... I love you too..."

"Then let's be together forever! I want to annoy you until the last day of my life!"

"You are such an idiot!" Titania chuckled and didn't protest when he leaned closer to kiss her mouth, his lips demanding and possessive.

"An idiot in love!" He quipped and they laughed, kissing each other again and again, finishing the celebration of their betrothal at Sirius' bed. The next morning they talked and made lots of plans about a future together. They both wanted to start a family and have kids after the war, at least two. Titania was so moved she cried tears of joy, as if she never before truly contemplate a future where she could be so happy and fulfilled. It seemed too perfect to be true.

They decided they would tell about their relationship to Lily and James at Sirius' birthday, November 3rd, just a few months ahead. The last time Titania saw Lily was months ago and they decided to take the risk of seeing them if they agreed to make a small party for Sirius. If not, Sirius would reveal anyway he and Titania were together as a couple, deeply in love.

That day never came.

The Potters were killed at October 31 by Voldemort himself, after Peter Pettigrew betrayed his friends.

Sirius took the blame of everything and spent his birthday locked away in a cell inside Azkaban. Titania had no idea her fiancee was innocent and mourned the death of her best friend over the black diamond ring she received as a promise of hope. She felt so foolish for believing in Sirius Black, the heart she gave so willingly to him was crushed by his own hands. Her hopes and dreams completely shattered and scattered at the wind.

"So kiss me and smile for me

Tell me that you'll wait for me

Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leavin' on a jet plane

Don't know when I'll be back again

Oh babe, I hate to go"

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