IV- Baby Mine

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Titania Snape in a recent past loved Sirius Black with every fiber of her heart and couldn't find in herself the will to stop her unexpected pregnancy. Even though the feelings weren't mutual because Sirius was only toying with her, it didn't change the fact that a life was conceived in her belly at the happiest moment of her life, no matter how brief it had been.

So she decided to keep the baby and at June 27th, 1982, Titania gave birth to Mordred Snape. His hair was pure black like hers and he had the same eyes as his father. Even if she tried to keep the paternity a secret from Narcissa, she was sure her friend would quickly discover it anyway. It was Cissy who pointed out that Mordred's eyes had the same colors as hers because it was a common trait from the blood of House Black. Only then downed on Titania that the same specific shade of gray also presented itself in Regulus, Bellatrix, Andromeda and Draco.

Titania felt her heart stop by the fear of someone discovering that the father of her baby was a traitorous killer and most hated Death Eater still alive on Earth. At the moment Sirius Black was possibly more loathed than Lord Voldemort himself ever was.

Of course Narcissa read the distress all over Titania's face and soon put a hand over her arm to tranquilize her friend. "Don't worry about it, Tanya, I doubt anyone will give too much thought about the eyes of your son," Cissy sighed, looking at her feet. "The House Black is in decay, at least in name. Our bloodline may carry on, but Sirius is the last heir alive from the main branch and the name of our House will die with him," The blonde witch flashed a sad smile. "We only need to be cautious in front of the few members of House Black still free and alive in my family," She gave another sigh. "I doubt you'll ever cross paths, though. Most of them are old and don't leave their homes. Andromeda was disowned and even if she looked at your son, she wouldn't tell anyone, I'm sure of it," Narcissa stared deeply into Titania's eyes. "Lucius may notice but I'll deal with him in case that happens," She squeezed Titania's hand, reassuringly.

Titania breathed out, relaxing. "I already thought too much about it and I'm aware about the prejudice my son and I will suffer in our society," She looked at Cissy with teary eyes. "Now imagine what may happen with us if it's discovered that my son is the bastard of a mass murderer?" Titania blinked and the tears fell on her cheeks. "I only hope my son won't hate me,"

"He won't," Cissy gave another squeeze on Titania's hand. "You might be single, but you aren't alone. I will help you raise my lovely godson!"

Since Titania was a kid she had a hard life, and even after going to Hogwarts things never really get better. After all trials and suffering that life gave her, the gods truly blessed Titania with an angel in form of a child.

It was unfathomable to Titania how a combination of hers and Sirius' genes were able to produce such a perfect human being. Because she couldn't find a better choice of word to describe her son, he was nothing but perfection. He was a child coming out of a dream —healthy, beautiful, caring and gentle. Mordred had a good temper, was docile and sweet, nothing alike his parents and perhaps in this Titania could see a flaw.

Mordred was such a sweet and lovely kid that part of Titania feared that in the future her son would be an easy target for bullies or ill-intentioned people. Both she and Sirius were difficult to deal with though they knew how to fight and protect themselves. Mordred was not a fighter, far from it. He had an easy smile and was way too sensitive. Titania couldn't recall seeing her son angered and the rare moments he showed sadness usually happened when a creature was mistreated or got hurt in front of him —Lucius stopped beating the House-Elf Dobby because it always made Mordred cry and all the Malfoys had a soft spot for her son.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2022 ⏰

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