Chapter One

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Annie's P.O.V.

"Why can't I go?" I whined to Dad.

"Because your mother doesn't want you to be around the muggles." He replied, sorrowfully.

"Oh and Ron can? This isn't fair. Just because I am a girl! You know Harry's my boyfriend. I should be there when he gets to get away from the horrid muggles." I was mad now.

"Annabelle, you better not be arguing with your father." Mum called from the den.

"Why can't I go? I can hold my own." I said to her.

"Keep your arguing up and you won't be going to the world cup." Mum looked at me with that look that says 'Do what I say or else.'

"I'll give Harry a kiss for you!" Ron mocked. I ran at him and knocked him to the ground. He looked at me and his face paled as a devious grin spread across my face.

"DOG PILE!!!" I yelled. I heard the thundering sounds of footsteps. Fred, George, and Ginny all zipped into the den faster than Krum on a broomstick. Their heads whipped around looking for the person on the ground.

George's eyes fell upon Ron. He grabbed Fred's arm and went flying through the air landing right on Ron's abdomen. I jumped and landed on Fred and Ginny on me. I started laughing uncontrollably. Apparently, my laugh was infectious because everyone was laughing within minutes.

I got up pushing Ginny off of me. She fell to the floor and just sat there laughing. I helped her up and we walked off to our room.

"Anna. Ginny. You two need to degnome the garden." Mum called from downstairs.

"But Mum! We're waiting for Harry!" Ginny cried.

"Degnoming the garden will pass the time more quickly!" She hollered.

I groaned and Ginny screamed into her pillow.

After a half hours worth of degnoming, I heard fumbling in the house and knew that Harry was here. I jumped and ran towards the house.

"Hey!" Ginny yelled after me.

"Harry's here!" I answered over my shoulder.

I barged into the house straight into Harry's arms. I kissed his cheek and he blushed. I giggled at his pink face and Mum came into the den. She grabbed Harry and enveloped him into a bonecrushing hug. I laughed at his face.

I sat alone with Mum in the den. I had backtalked her one too many times, so I get to stay home while my boyfriend,brothers, and my sister, who happens to have a crush on my boyfriend, all get to be at the Quidditch World Cup. I was listening to the match on the radio. The match had ended and I was dancing around.

"Why are so happy?" Mum looked at me skeptically.

"Viktor Krum caught the snitch, but the Irish won. Meaning Fred owes me 5 galleons, 2 sickles, and 3 knuts." I smiled.

"You three and betting on Quidditch matches. I swear." She huffed and walked away.

I giggled and fell onto the couch. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't prevent my eyelids from sinking. Next I knew, I was somewhere in Dreamland.

I'm walking along the Black Lake. I step into a boat which takes me out to a float. Before I arrive at it, I notice a man, dressed in all black, standing on the edge of the float, looking out to the castle. I step onto the float. My heart rate has probably tripled since my walk on the edge of the lake.
I try to stop, but it seems my body was working of it's own accord.
I keep walking towards the man. I wrap my arms around his waistline, he still has his back to me.
"I missed you." I say. I step back, waiting for him to turn around.
He starts turning around and my heart rate increased yet again.

I wake up sweating heavily with Mum right in my face. She put her hand on my forehead and said that I had a fever. Then the already small smile on her face diminished.

"Mum. What's wrong?" I sat up.

"The dark mark appeared above the campsite. I haven't heard a thing from your father and I am worried sick."

I scooted over, making room for Mum on the couch. She sat next to me and put her arms around me. I put my head on her shoulder.

"Its going to be okay, Mum. They'll be okay." I told her. I was trying to convince myself more than her. I don't know if it worked though.

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