Chapter Fifteen

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At breakfast, I smelled everything that I had. Drinks and food.

"Annie? What are you doing?" Padma asked me.

"Oh, um, nothing." I took a drink of the pumpkin juice and immediately knew something was wrong. I had tingling sensation in my throat, which spread to my chest then my whole body. I knew that I had undergone a love potion.

I bet it was Malfoy! You know it was Malfoy, you twit.

"Annie, you feeling alright?" Draco asked with a sly smile on his face. I wanted to swoon and tell him that I loved him. I had to fight the effects as long as possible.

"Fine, Malfoy. Why?" I'm so sorry. I love you.

"Don't you feel different or odd?" He asked, his beautiful smile fading.

"No. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a class to attend to." I got up and walked away before I had the urge to serenade him.

I walked into McGonagall's classroom, and, finding her to be the only other student in the room, I took a seat next to Hermione.

"I have a problem." I whispered.

"I can help." She said.

"Draco slipped me a love potion and I can't fight the effects for long." I whispered again.

"Draco slipped you a love potion?!" She practically screeched.

"Miss Weasley, come here please." I shot a glare to Hermione and walked up to McGonagall's desk.

"Go to Professor Snape and tell him what is going on. He does not have any students this period." She shooed me away just as the rest of the students began arriving.

I walked down to his classroom. I was going to go in but I heard people talking and I didn't want to disturb them.

"You know what it means, Severus."

"Of course I do. We all do! Now get out of my classroom." I heard footsteps, so I ran up the hall to act like I was still a ways away.

Karkaroff left the classroom and nearly pushed me as he walked past.

I knocked on the door to Professor Snape's office and received a scolding in return.

"Go away, Igor! I do not wish to speak with you." I waited a moment then I knocked again.

I heard frustrated murmurs and hurried footsteps. The door swung open to reveal a very angry Professor Snape.

"Why are you here, Miss Weasley? Don't you have a class?"

"Yeah. I forgot why Professor McGonagall sent me here, though. I think it had something to do with Draco." I thought for a moment. "Ahh. Draco." I didn't realize I was swooning.

"Ah. Yes, I see. Well, follow me." I nodded following him to the back of the classroom.

"What is that?" I asked him when he pulled a phial out of his stores.

"It's a love potion cure." He said flatly.

"I'm not under the effects of a love potion, though." I said confused.

"Miss Weasley, you were talking about how you attacked Malfoy and his goons yesterday."

"I did no such thing. You're just jealous that I've moved on from you! You don't want me to be happy." I yelled. He seemed to have paled.

"Fine. Are you thirsty? Would you like some pumpkin juice?"

"I'm not stupid. You're just going to pour the love potion antidote in the pumpkin juice. You know what, just to prove that I am right and you are wrong, give me the antidote. It's just a waste on your part, anyway." I crossed arms.

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