i dont wanna kiss you anymore

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I may have um forgot about y'all..

we dont talk about that.

I'm back be grateful..



hey guys it's been a while since we uploaded ,billie has been getting stuff situated with her tour and album and I've been helping her .

but today i know billie is hella stressed but

I'm that evil girlfriend that is gonna make her stress even more

so whenever she trys to kiss me I'm going to reject it .

she's either gonna cry or beat my ass let's see how this goes.

Dont forget to subscribe 🙄🙄tf


I set up the camera in our bedroom.

Billie is in the shower so I impatiently wait for her to get out .

/ time skip /

Billie walks in the room

I continue watching TV

" baby ? " Billie says as she walks towards me

" yes " I say kinda annoyed

She trys to go in for a kiss

I turn my head

" um okay " billie says
She goes in for another kiss

I turn my head again

" moveee " I say

" y/n.. dont play with me " she giggles thinking shit funny

" what's funny " I say

" why you acting like this ? , you were just fine like 30 minutes ago " Billie says

" I'm acting normal " I say

" so then kiss me " billie says

" no " I say

" why " she says with an angry tone

" Billie I have to be honest .. I dont wanna kiss you anymore " I say

" if you wanted me to brush my teeth just say that " billie says

" well your breath does stank but that's not the reason I just dont wanna kiss you anymore " I say


" so what I'm getting out of this is you want to kiss other bitches ? 🤨 who you got on the side " billie says

" maybe I do got someone on the side " I say

" y/n stop playing with me before I go off on you " Billie says

" I'm not playing " I say with a straight face

I'm pretty sure she is gonna kill me ..

I'm pretty sure she is gonna kill me

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Billie walks out of the room

I slowly but surely follow her

I can not believe what this bitch is doing .

Breaking my makeup?

This girl knows I love my makeup..

And I remember thinking I'm about to beat this bitch up


" I dont give a fuck if it was a prank , I told you to stop playing with me " Billie said

I run and get the camera to end this video so I can beat this bitch ass .

" this girl broke my makeup , now I'm about to break her face " I say

" get that camera out of my face " Billie says

This girl mad

I go in for a kiss

" oh now you wanna kiss me " she turns away from the kiss

" okay bet " i say

" well bye guys , I hope you guys enjoyed this video "

I turn off the camera, billie could not stay mad at me for long 😩.

Give me suggestions.. I may or may not update

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