Chapter 3

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When I get to my room, I slam the door. I don't care if my parents can hear. I walk over to my bed, and scream. Honestly I don't know why I'm so mad. I just am. It might be since my mom, and dad have a very strong hatred for each other. It's so strong the other one is only allowed 5 feet inside when they pick me up. Ugh I wish I would've heard what they were talking about. I should've stayed down there.

That's it I decide to go downstairs. I try and walk as quietly as it can. Once I get to the corner, I start to listen. I hear my mom say, "But she's always in her room, or not home. I think we should do something." Who is she talking about? It can't be me, can it? What my dad says next shocks me, "She's a teenager. Niomi needs some space. I've met her friends, they're all nice." What the hell is he talking about. My mom speaks up after a bit of silence, "Fine, I'm going to go talk to her. Let her know she can't just stay in her room." My parents say goodbye, as I quickly but quietly rush up the stairs and into my room.

I put my earbuds in, and pull up a random video. My mom knocks on the door and I let her in. She takes a seat at my desk and says, "We heard you go down the stairs. You are a well behaved kid, and we are proud of you." I'm so shock. I ask my mom, "Wait, so that was just some weird joke?" My mom tells me, "Yes. Sweety we were talking about finding ways, for you to be more creative. We are thinking about giving you special art rooms. There will 2 chalk board walls, and 2 walls for you to draw, and paint on. We will put easily in them, and things for you to sculpt with. You are also getting a new laptop with art programs."

I can't believe this. I thought I was going to get yelled at, not get the best surprises ever. Well second best. The best was when I got Fredrick. I get up, and give my mom a big hug. I tell her thank you, about a thousand times, before she leaves my room. Right away I text Katy about this. The art rooms will be away for me to express my feelings. Art has always been away for me to express myself. The thing that was always there.

I semi randomly start thinking about Liam. I wish there was school tomorrow, just so I'd be able to see his beautiful face. Or his smile. The smile that always manages to make me smile. Unless it's from him flirting with another girl. But why wouldn't he? With his looks he could easily have anyone. I wonder what he's doing?

God that seems creepy. But I do. I always wonder things about him. Like; how his day was? Is he in the shower? What he does right before bed? What he had for supper? I constantly have questions, I wish I was brave enough to ask them. But nope, I'm that semi shy kid, that can be really weird and annoy. But is loud, and hyper around their friends.

That's probably why he hasn't noticed me. That and, I try not to be a slut and through myself at guys.


Second chapter of the day. Yay

Qotc: what's your favourite colour?

MA: blue, and raspberry.

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