Chapter 15

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Chapter 15:

“Mr. Styles, we’d appreciate it if you paid some attention, if you think we’re worth it, ofcourse.” Harry looks up with a tired expression and sighs. “I’m sorry, sir.” “You should be.” Harry frowns, opens his books and grabs a pen. Concentrate. If he wants to graduate, he has to work hard and pay attention. It’s just so difficult to concentrate when your boyfriend’s sister is dying, and you have two dates on Friday night. He didn’t get any sleep tonight, when his alarm went off it felt like he’d only slept for thirty seconds. “Harry.” The teacher says, as he walks up to him and places his hands on his desk. “May I take a look at your notes?” Harry takes a deep breath, bites his lower lip and looks down at his bag. He’s surprised when he sees a purple notebook with PHYSICS on it. He grabs it, opens it and sighs in relief when he sees all the right notes. The teacher frowns, gives it back and walks back without saying anything. Harry closes the notebook and freezes when he sees whose notebook it is. “You’re welcome.” Tiara whispers, before taking it back. “You didn’t have to do that.” “But he would give you detention.” “It’s not like I have better things to do.” “You do Friday!” she smiles. Harry shrugs, and puts on a fake smile. “Yeah.. About that..” “I already bought my dress!” Tiara says. “I bet you’ll like it. Even though it’s not really a color I wear a lot, it’s black so it’d be great if you wore something white too..” As Tiara keeps on talking about Friday, Harry becomes more and more desperate. His phone vibrates, he sees a text message from Louis and opens it. Already preparing some things for Friday. Want your first experience with a guy to be great and unforgettable. Xxxx


“Mom, can you act like you’re taking me out Friday?” “Why, Harry?” “Well.. I might have two dates on the same day at the same time and I can’t tell either of them I cannot come. So can you please act like you and dad are taking me out for dinner Friday?” His mother frowns and hesitates, but then shrugs with a deep sigh. “I’m telling you, my son. These things never end good.” “Mom, I can handle this.” Harry takes a deep breath, before taking out his phone and calling Louis. “Hey babe.” “Hey.. Lou I’m so, so sorry.” “God, what have you done?” “Nothing. Like, not in that way.. I have to cancel our date Friday.” He can hear Louis standing up and hissing “five minutes”. “How do you mean, I have to cancel our date?” Louis asks. “Well.. Since my parents are only just back from London, they want to take me out for dinner and spend some time with their lovely son.” “Shit, can I talk to them?” Harry freezes, looks up to his mother and slowly shakes his head. “No, no absolutely not. Lou, they don’t know about.. You know..” “You haven’t told them you’re gay yet?!” Harry bites his lower lip and leaves the living room. “Listen. My dad is a homophobe, and I can’t just tell them that I have a date with my.. Boyfriend.” He hears Louis sigh on the other end of the line. “And you can’t tell them you have a date with this super hot girl?” Harry takes a deep breath and scratches his neck. “I did, actually. They told me to cancel it and take her out another time.” “Fuck, man.” Louis says, with a deep sigh. “I was so excited.” “Yeah.. Yeah me too.” “Well.. Okay. Can you come over afterwards?” Harry thinks about how he’ll smell after a party with a lot of beer, cigarettes and joints. “I-I’ll try to, okay?” “Okay..” His heart breaks when he hears how disappointed Louis sounds. “Well, I’ll see you Saturday, I guess?” Harry sighs in relief and nods. “Yeah.” He says. “Definitely.” He hesitates, before saying “I miss you, Lou. I’m dying to see you.” Louis chuckles. “Oh shut it, Styles.” He says, but he does make a kissing sound when he’s hanging up. Harry puts his phone back in his pocket and sighs. Okay, maybe he has lied to his boyfriend, but as long as he doesn’t know, it doesn’t count.. Right? He walks back in, sits down on the couch and hides his face in his hands. He’d lied to so many people, boys and girls, but why does it feel so bad this time? “Did you cancel it?” his mother asks, as she sits down next to her son. “Sort of.” She sighs, grabs his hands and puts them down on his lap. “Harry, do you love this girl?” she asks, in all seriousness. Harry takes a deep breath, looks at his mother and shrugs. “I like her a hell lot, and I miss hi-her as soon as she’s out of my sight.” “Then, I think you should cancel the other date.” Harry bites his lower lip and hides his face in his hands again. “I don’t want to hurt anyone, and I don’t hurt hi-her if she doesn’t know I’m lying, right?” His mother sighs, shrugs and squeezes his hand. “I’m just telling you. Do you want to risk losing someone that important, just so you don’t have to hurt the other one? Because you’ve told me about the date with her, but I haven’t heard anything about the other date. Does she mean as much to you as that Lou girl does?” Harry shakes his head. “Not even close. I don’t know mum, I just feel like I can be myself with her, I just.. I think I might have real feelings for someone this time.” His mother sighs, removes his hands again and kisses him on the forehead. “All I’m telling you is, that if you really like her, you should drop anything to be with her. You have to make your own decisions, but I really hope you make the right one.” She says, before standing up and walking to the kitchen, leaving Harry to curl up on the couch and drive himself insane.

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