~chapter 1~

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you always were a strange girl.

the girl with the personality of a wolf.


you got called wolfy alot, but you didn't mind, you actually quite liked that name, so eventually it became one of your many nicknames


you liked to be alone, yet people always wanted you around even though most of the time you were quiet.


sometimes you would sneak into the woods at night to get some peace, the music you liked filled your ears as you dozed off under the stars.


it was usually early dawn when you awoke, the sound of birds chirping was your favourite alarm, little did you know that your life was going to change today, for better or for worse...


"(Y/N), Oi! wake up! we've got alot to do today!" Your brother Daniel shouted through your bedroom door, you were pissed off at the fact that not even your alarm had gone off yet. telling you that it was before 8am.

"is it something you need my help with!" You shouted back, a slight growl in your voice.

"you have forgotten, haven't you?" Daniel said through the door, his fingers tapping on the thin wooden door.

you picked up your diary, usually you hardly ever wrote in it, it was mostly used for dates and videogame codes, or names of animes that you wanted to watch, flipping through the pages you came across the words Pack for holiday, suddenly you remembered that you and your family were going on holiday, shit! how could you have fogotten?!

you quickly jumped out of bed and put on your black long sleeved shirt, some tights and leggings and your green tartan miniskirt, a quick dash around your room to find your headphones and you were ready to go.

"hey Bro, what time is it?" you asked as you put on your boots and did your hair and makeup, you'd left your (H/C) hair loose because quite frankly you could not be assed to tie it up.

"it's about 7:30am, we have to move! mom and dad want to be out of the house by 9am, so we dont have any time to laze about! And Natalie and Alice are already in the car!".

You mumbled something under your breath as you started to pack your things to take on holdiday, some clothes, toiletries, hairbrush, shit like that and your sleeping teddy, when you had put everything in your (F/C) suitcase you opened your bedroom door.

Daniel was already at the door with his suitcase in hand, "come on! mom and dad are already in the car!" Daniel grabbed your suitcase and dragged it to the black car.

You picked up your suitcase and put yours and his bags into the car you both got in and the car drove through a few small villages and eventually reached the last village before the woods which you assumed was where the cabin you were staying in was.

"now, does anybody need the bathroom before we go into the woods? it's a really long drive" Your mom asked you and your siblings all answered with a polite no.


It was nearly midnight before you reached the cabin in which you were staying, the moon had risen high into the night sky, a glow lighting up the woods around you.

"this place is beautiful" you quickly ran inside and upstairs and you quickly opened the hatch to the attic room, "I call this room!" you quickly took your jacket off and threw it on your bed.

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