Art and lies

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"HEY YOU" You heard behind you, you had been in this school for a couple of days now. Nanno helping you, this school had somewhat of history, it was perfect for people with straight As. Students got awarded for there talent or there grades in a specific class. You were good at art (if your an artist then great if your not let's pretend) By now you were day dreaming as you usually did in bad situations. "HEY YOU IM TALKING TO YOU" You turned around to see who was calling you, you were the only one there (this is happening after Class was over and Nanno and mew were outside in that hall looking place but instead of Nanno its you) "Yes" You said nervously as you didn't recognized the girl "Are you and Nanno friends" The girl said she looked angry and as well sounded like it "Yes why? And may I ask what your name is?" You asked slightly backing away, you didn't want trouble in this unknown school. "My name is Mew, and seems like you and Nanno have something in common" (was I the only one who thought of the Pokémon "Mew" when they first mentioned her name?) "And what may that be?" You asked scared she sounded madder than before because of the question you were asking "You like to ruin people's life's" she said now holding your collar with both of her hands, who knew what she was going to do so you closed your eyes just accepting whatever she was going to do with you. "Is there a problem here" a different voice asked, one that you recognize to well, you opened your eyes as the "unknown" person was holding tightly one of Mew's wrist. You followed who the armed belong to and of course her.
"Let go of her she has nothing to do with what's happening" Nanno said in a calm voice, now that you think about it you had seen the girl before she was the second person who had gotten an award in art. 'Is that why she's mad?, because I was the first person in this school to get an art award, how pathetic' You thought slightly laughing "What are you laughing at ?" The said girl asked "Nothing" you said quietly trying not to let another laugh out Mew had let you go frustrated that Nanno got in the way "Whatever" Mew said walking away annoyed "She didn't hurt you did she?" Nanno asked "No not at all but who was she anyway?" You asked curiously "Don't worry about it oh and congrats on the award" Nanno said happiness in her tone "Thanks uh you wanna go eat it is lunch time" You said and she simply nodded

Time skip

You heard some crying from the girls bathroom. You went inside only to see the same girl from earlier, Mew not only her but another girl as well, Mew was crying and had a hammer in her hand, she kept repeating something but you couldn't understand her very well "I'm Sorry I can't do it" Is all you could understand "What's happened to her?" You said kind of worried as you knew what she had done, you of course needed to know more about this school so you started doing some research in the library's computers. There was this school they always competed with, But you had forgotten the name, that school had a website and showed of course how the school looked and there activity's they had this tab called "Artists" and the same painting Mew "painted" appeared just didn't have splashes all over is and the backgrounds was white not black like Mew's. You were brought back to earth by screaming "SOMEONE PLEASE HELP ME" Mew yelled as the other girl had the hammer in her hand and I was by the girl's side.

Your POV

Suddenly girls came in the bathroom and so did a teacher "The both of you won't be going on stage" The teacher said as she helped Mew and took her away "Fucking Bitch" I said annoyed at Mew, I was the one with real talent not her. My phone buzzed but before I checked what it was I turned to the girl beside me who looked sad "You should get going, is not like we can do anything about it now" I said as she looked at me and nodded leaving the bathroom, that's when I checked what it was that made my phone buzz

I heard what happened would you like to pay her a visit?:)
I'm in the front gate.

I didn't respond but I did make my way to the gates of the school. "Hey hope you didn't get hurt" Nanno said touching one of my cheeks which was something I didn't expect her to do but I didn't take her hand of "I'm fine and I would much like to" I said feeling my cheeks getting heated up it was the same feeling from before. "Very well then let's go" Nanno said taking her hand of  my cheek and grabbing my hand instead

Time skip to Mew's house

We were both in front of Mew as I "apologize" "I really am sorry Mew and I really don't mind you getting the spot light" I said in the sweetest voice possible "But as a matter of fact you can draw with your left hand can't you?" I asked with a smirk on my face, Nanno nodded her head "Yes, you did post a couple weeks ago about it" Nanno said as I showed everyone the post "This is a miracle" The teacher said in excitement as Mew showed a smile and looked at us with rage

Time skip to the day of the show?

Nanno was saying a speech as I just sat in my sit. She came back and randomly out of nowhere she hold my hand I didn't pull away it just gave me the same reaction as before. I tried to pay as much attention as I could to Mew. She was on stage shacking until a girl who had a different uniform came in "YOU STOLE MY FRIENDS ART" she yelled at Mew, then the principal got involved and I guess the girl came from the same school that was always competing with this school but always ended up second place. Mew was asked to paint the same flower and out of panic she did and started crying while doing it. "It looks nothing like it!" The girl from the other school said "Security!" The principle yelled as they took the girl away and showed everyone Mew's painting which looked nothing like the flower but at the same time it wasn't bad. Everyone started clapping and so did I even if that should've been me getting all the praises and attention with my Art that would look 10x more better. Nanno stood up, she had stoped holding my hand when the girl was kicked out. She held her hand out "Let's go" She simply said

Where are we going Nanno?

Hello author here, hopefully your enjoying the book as much as I am writing it, and the rest is just me rambling about this chapter. Okay so to be completely honest i don't really like how this chapter came out it was shitty in my opinion but i couldn't think of anything else, and how randomly Mew came to y/n at the beginning like what was that about?? I also felt like Nanno was somewhat out of character in this one, I also got to lazy to add everyones speech and line. That's all hopefully you have a great day/night/afternoon/midnight. See you in the next chapter! 😊

"The girl from nowhere" Nanno X Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now