The Crazy Teach

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Nanno and I walked to a, yet again new school. We both bowed to the three teacgers that were at the entrance. "Good Morning" We said in unison. "Are you two the new student in classroom F? What's your names?" The male teacher asked. As a female teacher with a pony tail kept staring weirdly, mostly at Nanno. "I'm Nanno" She said with her iconic smile. "I'm Y/N" I said looking around instead of them. We both walked away as the teachers watched us leave with a smile. Creepy really, the male teacher had a smile which just made him seem creepy overall, one of the female teachers with the pony tail had a serious face on, and the other female had as well a mix of serious and concerned face.

Everyone was outside as i believe the principal was giving a speech. Nanno said to try and get her a specific file from the principals office, she helped get to it as she was outside listening to whatever the old man had to say. It took me a while to find it, thats a lie. I entered the room opened a cabinet from the desk looked through the alphabet and there it was.

Some student were distracting the teacher who was the same one from the morning, the concerned one. As she went on and on about how her vacation went classmates werent actually paying attention. Instead they were eating, on their phone or overall just chatting among themselves. I put my (Earphones\air pods\ headphones\ ect) and started doodling random shit on my book. i was in the opposite side of the room from where Nanno was. The first line towards the door, and as she's a nice teacher its not like she'll actually say something plus she was so into talking about her trip she most likely wouldnt notice. The bell sadly rang and so the teach in pink left and the serious one came in, i took my (Earphones\airpods\ect) off\out and tried to pay attention. The same guy that distracted the last teacher tried to do the same with this one but ofc it didnt work. " Thats not related to this class" She said. Then she nodded her head at Nanno, and she went up to the bored to solve the problem. I really tried to pay attention but as i know it will probably wont come to use and it doesnt matter if i fail or not. In the past was the same i didnt pay attention but by some miracle i always passed with an 80 or above. The teacher walked around as she talked about nuclear plants and weapons. I want to believe this is science but it looks like math. She went to mom mode and started talking about shit that went through one ear and left the other. People were looking around ofc not paying attention, surprisingly whatever she was saying wasnt even related to the class. The guy kept arguing that he didnt even know what was on the bored trying to be funny. But the thing is his name was chin, it wasnt hilarious but just a tad bit funny.

Finally it was lunch time and i went straight to the vending machines at the end of the hall where the cafe was. Nanno said she had to go do something which was fine, more time for me as she always rushed me with this stuff. Im and indecisive person i cant just choose one. She gave me a 20 to go by luch and a drink. I looked through the machine, there was milk,tea,energy drinks,coke,sparkling water and just water. Most likely they had recently restocked it. I got a water, two energy drinks, and (Whatever else you want) for when i get thirsty later,and cus this drinks are expensive brands and there all 1-2 dollars cant miss a good deal. I decided to check out the vending machine with snacks as Nanno most likely will rush me if i get food from the cafe. I got some chips and some other stuff and put them into my backpack just keeping a bread filled with (your choice of flavor) And an energy drink.

I made my way into my next class before the bell rang and i was done, i put my drink in the pouch outside of my back pack as i wasnt done with it and entered class. We were all writing some bullshit until someones phone rang meaning they had gotten a text. "Whos phone was that" the teacher which Nanno had just recently told me was Named Mrs. Aum (I think) looked up angrily. Suddenly everyones phone was buzzing\ringing. I quickly checked mine to see what it was. It was just some boring news about some disgusting man who had an affair with a student. "Sorry ma'am but isnt that guy your ex-husband. I quickly put my phone away as the teacher looked around she seemed so concerned and her eyes were turning red. "He got the student pregnant" Another said as everyone started talking about it. God to bad for her, theres not much to say. "EVERYONE SHUT UP" She kept repeating as she holds her head and passed out.

Nanno left me in the stair case said she had to return something, i didnt think much of it and continued my drink and looked around, it tasted weird but i wasnt going to waist it. I heard screaming and Mrs.Aum had stabbed a student with what i think was a pen or pencil. She looked out of her mind hair everywhere. She got pushed back as other students tried to help or do something.

After that i think they either expelled\fired her or said to take a break either way she had a box with her stuff, and Nanno being the manipulative bitch she was went to go make Mrs. Aum more insane by giving her some sort of ideas or a little help in her step to drive the school off the cliff, either way something bad is going to happen, im not here for it but its not like i can be against it either.

December finally came and they were doing some ceremony type thing everything looked quite nice. Tho i was a bit sad, the teachers were all dressed up while the students were in their uniforms. We were all sat down as the principal was giving out awards. Nanno was looking back at the door holding my hand a bit tightly.  Everyone turned including me and Mrs. Aum walked in. All fancy and her hair was down.

"Excuse me Aum what are you doing here" The principle asked walking away from the podium and towards Mrs. Aum. She undid a bag as she hummed and out a long gun (Idk about guns) and loaded it as she started shooting, it was quite magical confetti everywhere but ofc it was killing people so we had to go. I pulled Nanno but she pulled me back, I noticed the shooting sounds were gone and it was just Mrs.Aum playing with the gun most likely imaging she was still shooting. Nanno still had my hand and walked to Mrs. Aum ofc i had to follow cus she wouldnt let go of my hand. Nanno stared at her and i looked around she did do some damage . "I just realized how beatiful and peaceful this place is" Mrs. Aum said "Is that right" Nanno answered "But this is not the end" The teacher responded still looking up front "Ofc its not the end, after this one there will be other schools, do you think what you did here today will chnage the whole system?" Nanno questioned glancing at me. "You know i need to thank you Nanno, foor making me understand." Nanno gave her a look and picked up a bullet. Mrs. Aum loaded it. Scared she shoot Nanno, I got Nanno into a some what hug that covered her I looked back at Mrs. Aum, she was aiming it at us mostly me. "Come on shoot already Miss times ticking love" I said with a smile "Move She lookes like that bitch, move" She said as she gestured her gun for me to move "Oh come on just shoot waste that bullet on me like you did with this fuckers" I said as she looked around "I did it for everyone, dont you see that, these people, theyre ruining the educational system for all of us, ill fix it for everyone" Mrs. Aum said with a creepy smile "Because im not a teacher who only teaches in the classroom" She kept going "Is this really your plan to reform the education? or maybe your just a loser who failed in life and decided to blame the system you think your right when in fact your selfish, sometimes the people who think the're always right are really the most pathetic" Nanno said playing with my tie and with a smirk. I still had her in a tight hug still trying to cover her the most i can. " Shut the fuck up" Mrs. Aum yelled breathing hardly " I did the right thing, i did it for everyone, im a good person" The teacher continued more calmly yet still with a hint of insanity. she continued as she looked around. "Lets go" Nanno whispered as i let her go and tried to walk away as quickly as possible just in case the teacher decides to shoot last minute. She continued saying how she did the right thing. Tho she ended up shooting herself.

I decided not to look back and keep walking. We made it to the entrance and Nanno turned to look at me curling her hair around her finger. "Y/N what did you learn from this" She asked with her iconic smile "Yes turns out im also crazy enough to risk my life for someone like you" I said, taking out a drink i had bought earlier that day. I opened it took a sip and slid my arm onto Nannos shoulder "Lets go" I said as we both walked away. Nanno taking my drink along the way.

"The girl from nowhere" Nanno X Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now