Kiss Me

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Take a chapter, I feel bad for not posting :(


"Ruv, aren't you gonna...let go?" He stared down at me, puzzled.

"mphghnn" I grumbled.

"I thought you didn't like hugs?" Whitty asked, chuckling. I lifted my face from his chest, now looking up at him. 

"I like to know who's touching me before they do. That's all," I mumble. He ruffled my hair and nodded.

"Makes sense, just let me know when you want me to stop." He looked down at me, a small smile plastered across his face. 

I eventually decided to get up, unfortunately staying in his arms all day isn't an option. 

"Let's go for a walk, I'd normally go by myself, but..." I trailed off. Whitty nodded.

"Yeah, I know. Let's go!" 


We left the house and walked around the city. We both pointed out different places we liked to go, chased each other around, played tag, and made really shitty jokes. 

We ran around being idiots for a lot longer than we expected because by the time we decided we should probably go back, the sun was starting to set.

We both began making our way back.

"Man, I didn't realize how much time had passed," Whitty laughed. "Pretty easy to lose yourself when you're having fun, eh?" 

I nodded.

Suddenly, a car drove past us. There hadn't many cars around, so this one spooked me more than it usually would. I jumped back and grabbed the closest thing to me...which happened to be Whitty.

We both stared at each other for way too long before I wrenched myself away and continued walking.

"H-Hey! Wait up!" Whitty snapped out of the slight shock and quickened his pace to catch up. "You didn't do anything wrong, I really don't mind-"

"Whitty, it's not about's...well..." I struggled to find words.

"What's the matter?" Whitty crouched down to my height. "Take your time." He spoke quietly.

This just made it even harder. I turned away from him, once again trying to hide my blush. I wanted to tell him, I really did, but every time I thought about it, I just froze up and panicked.

I looked back at Whitty, and there was this kind, understanding look on his face like he would understand no matter what you told him. Just seeing that kind look on his face made me start crying in spite of myself. 

Maybe he would understand it, but he wouldn't accept it.

"Ruv? Why are you crying? Really, you can tell me, I won't judge you," He brought his hands up to wipe the tears from my face. "hey, let's walk some more, would that be okay?" 

I nodded slowly, and we continued walking in silence.

I heavily resisted the urge to hold his hand, I would just embarrass myself.

Soon, we both decided to sit down at a nearby bench after walking for quite some time.

Silence. I couldn't stand the silence.

"So...Ruv, I don't mean to rush you, wanna t-"

"You know what? YES. I DO want to tell you! I want to tell you everything! But every time... every time I try I...I...oh shit, what am I doing? I'm sorry, I-" I broke down yet again, and Whitty gave that same concerned look.

"No- Ruv, don't apologize! I'm not really...wait." A lightbulb seemed to go off in his head. "Can me? 


Oh god.

I looked up at him, and his soft smile was still there, radiant as ever. 

It was now or never.

Without another thought, I grabbed the collar of his hoodie and pulled his face down to me, our faces barely touching.

"wOAH- I- Ruv??" Whitty's face turned a bright orange, the heat blazing from his skin growing more intense by the second. He looked like a flustered mess, clearly caught off guard. I'm sure I didn't look any different.

We both stared into each other's eyes, and Whitty just seemed to understand. He always understood, even if he didn't quite understand if that makes any sense at all.

He brought his large arms around me, and the gap between us closed.

(DISCONTINUED) Met by Tragedy /// Whitty x RuvWhere stories live. Discover now