chapter 4

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I sat there spitting out blood and a mixture of a bit of dirt that got into my mouth. dylan smirked at me loving every minute of the pain he caused me. "oh honey you think this is bad? if i gave you up to nathan then you'd be thanking me" dylan mocked my cry of pain as he gave me one last hit to the stomatch. "now imma go i'll tell nate that i brought you home and if you mention anthing about this you'll be sorry baby ill see you soon i enjoyed that" he said giving me one last sloppy kiss. as soon as i couldnt hear his footprints anymore i got up off the ground and started finding my clothes. pain shot through my body. "asshole" i muttered to myself to keep me from breaking down into tears. i fiddled to put on my sweatshirt back on. i saw something square on the ground. i sqinted to see what it was i picked it up as it happened to be just what i needed. i took a cigarrete out that dylan mustt have dropped at some point and thel lighter that came in the package. i lit it as i walked towards the direction of the boys house. i had no sense of time but i hope all the guys were either not home or in bed. as i came to the house i felt as i could just collaps as the pain was begining to be unbareable i saw the living room light on and some bedroom lights on. i sigh as now there was no way for me to go through the front door. i snuck around the back to the barely used door. i slowly opened it makeing sure not to make a peep. i peaked in to make sure there was noone there. on the couch zayn was snoring with the tv aluminateing his face. i closed the back door silently. i smiled at zayn as he looked so peaceful. i shut off the tv and the living room light. i also put the blanket so it was covering zayn completely. i turned the corner only to see niall in the fridge. i held my breath and backed up slowly as niall hasnt seen me. i shouldve known niall is always looking for a late night snack. i waited untill i heard nialls footstep back upthe stairs before cautiously turning the corner again. "almost there" i whispered to my aching body and my pounding heart. i creeped up the stairs making sure not to make the slightest sound. i went down the dark hallway untill i finally made it to my bedroom. i slipped in and silently closed my door. i let out a breath that i never even realized i was holding. i colapsed onto my bed as i jerked back up. i moaned in pain as i slowly this time lowered myself onto my bed. i snapped my mouth shut as i realized all the guys rooms were in this hallway too and these rooms werent exactly soundproof. it was too late as my door was whipped open. someone shut my door and cursed as im guessing they were trying to fing the light switch. "no dont turn on the-" i started to protest but it was too late as i was blinded. "light.." i muttered. as my eyes adjusted i found harry there. "what the hell skylar? you disappear with louis for eight hours??" he throws his hands up in the air. i lean back and close my eyes as he still continues to bitch at me. "dont you know not to run off and-" he stopped in his tracks when he noticed me. "did he do this to you?! imma kill him is this why you didnt tell me earlier because you didnt want me finding out it was louis?" i snapped my eyes open. "no it wasnt louis im fine i really am.. just dont mention it to anyone please?" harry just gave me a look as if to say are you serious? "skylar im not gonna let it go that easy.." i gave him a pleading look. " its not a big deal cant i just rest for now?" i whined as i could barely keep my eyes open. he looked at me with sad eyes. i gave him a reassuring smile before i couldnt keep the big black dark pit of sleep from taking over.

I woke up to screaming. I saw harry sitting there in a chair before he shot up and ran over to me. It took me a minute to finally realize it was me screaming. I consentrated on breathing. As i tried to calm myself down. I flinched as harry tried to touch me. He looked at me as i freaked out and backed away from him. "Im not an ass skylar.. I'm not gonna hurt you" Harry whispered coming near me again slowly. I let him this time. "Sorry" i muttered. The door came crashing open and Louis appeared. "What the hell did you do to her harry?" Louis growled. Harry pointed a finger at him. "Dont play stupid with me she was with you last your the asshole who did this to her" louis looked behind him and then at harry. "Your pointing at me? I wouldn't hurt her unlike you harry she was just screaming a minute ago" louis raised his voice. "Stop it both of you! Neither of you did it okay?" i looked sternly at both of them. "Then why were you screaming?" louis looked at me with a confused expression. "I had a night mare thats all" i muttered. By then i heard a thump. "Ssh they might hear us" i sigh and get up. "Guys its too late i already hear you listening to the conversation so you might as well join us" i step into the hallway finding niall zayn and Liam. They look down ashamed they got caught. I try to walk in behind them but i fall onto the ground. I cry out in pain. Harry and louis try to help me up but i whimper and back away from them. "Hey back of you two" zayn slowly appraoches me. I let him help me up and i limp to the bed with him helping me support my weight. Harry and Louis gap at him. Liam came with a washcloth. My breath quickens as he nears me. Zayn stops him and takes the washcloth. He gently wipes my forehead with it. "Alright everyone out" zayn declares. Louis and Harry scoff and fold their arms and Liam gives me a sad smile before walking off dragging niall out. Zayn gives the other two boys a stern long look. "Why can't we stay?" Harry asks. Zayn sighs at them. "I'm checking her for any other cuts so i think she would be more comfortable without you guys here when she undresses." Harry leaves without another word. Louis on the other hand still Stands there. "Don't you still have your girlfriend downstairs Louis?" i gasped at him. "Skylar .. I .." Louis tried to explain. "Go" i said with an icy glare. He looked down and walked out slamming the door behind him. I jumped when Zayn patted my back. I calmed my breathing and realized Zayn wouldn't hurt me. "Who did this to you?" he whispered rubbing my back gently. I looked down. "Noone I'm fine just make sure this doesn't get to Paul and none of the boys tell ill be fine" Zayn sighs. "Fine but i just want to tell you that im here for you and im sorry if i was mean to you when you came here" i looked up to see sincerity in his eyes. I smile at him before getting up. Zayn trys to lay me back down but i whimper and back away. Zayn looks at me with sad eyes. "What happened? Why are you so afraid? He did something more than just beat you." Zayn realized looking into my eyes. I nodded slightly. He pulled me into a hug. I relaxed into him and we didn't say anything for a minute. I pulled away from him and bit back the pain as i walked towards the stairs. He helped me down the stairs and sat me at the kitchen table and started rummaging through cabinets and the fridge. Liam comes on the kitchen and sees us and tries to back up. "Liam its fine you don't have to avoid me" i call out. He comes back in and exchanges a few whispered words with Zayn. I couldn't hear them at all. Liam glances at me again. I frown and make a face at Liam. Liam smirks as i stick my tounge out at zayn and silently mock his whispering and his hand guestures behind his back. Liam laughs and zayn turns around." sky what are you doing?" i whistle and pretend to just notice him talking to me. "Who me? Nothing at all" i smile inocently giving a knowing look to liam and he returns the smile. Zayn narrows his eyes as if to say im watching you. He finally turns ariund and starts whispering again. I make a face and pretend to be like zayn and mock him. Liam laughs again. "Liam what are you laughing at?" zayn looks at me again. I giggle as Liam has his arms folded and has a grumpy face And is mocking Zayn. Zayn whips facing Liam now. Liam looks interested in what's in the cabinets. I make an face before Zayn turns around and sees me. He smirks before throwing skittles at me. I open my mouth to catch some. As liams cracking up as i get ahold of flour and chuck it at zayn. He smirks before Zayn dumps water on me. I gap at him before dumping flour on both of them. Were all laughing as niall walks in. "Umm this is normally something i do not you guys" niall says. I pick up some skittles and chuck them at niall. "Taste the mother fucking rainbow" i yell. Every one of us laugh as niall eats a skittle that's still in his hair. I get some gummy bears and throw them at people. Niall dodged one and it went flying hitting someone tall in the doorway. I gasp as it was someone i have never seen before. The guy was tall and muscular and was easily four times the size of niall. He had tatoos all over his arms and he was in all black. I hid behind zayn. "You guys are such a bunch of kids now which one of you idiots threw this one at me?" his deep voice sounded throughout the room.

I came out shakily from behind zayn balancing my weight on the counter and zayn holding my waist to keep me steady. " i im sorry i meant to hit niall" i whispered in a shaky voice. His eyebrows widended in surprize. "Zayn whose the lady you've got here?" the guy said eyeing me and Zayns arm around my waist. "None of your buisness you will leave her alone" zayn snapped not at all scared or intimidated by the way the guy looked. The guy took a step forward. "Well at least let me get a look at her" i looked up at zayn as he had a hard gaze fixed on the guy. Liam grabs my arm and lays it across his shoulders. He supports my weight and i slowly walk with liams help. I looked back at zayn trying to see any hint of what was happening. Zayn looked at me with a sympathetic gaze and then started to inch forward as niall stopped him. Before i knew it the guy had his hand unset my chin and was forcing me to look up at him. "Pretty face i love her eyes.. " he states as if everything was normal to him. His eyes trailed down and i kept my face as calm as i could. I stole a glance at Liam. Liam mouthed a sorry before looking down. "Nice looking body.. She definitely has a good figure except.. She's weak and she hasn't talked yet... She looks like she's a fighter to me" the guy continues to study me. I whimper as Liam let's go and the guy picks me up. "Hey put me down what the hell are you doing!?" i scream at him. I see Harry there with his arms folded and Louis there behind Harry. "Um hello Steven big guy what are ya doing with the poor lady? She's not a problem for any of us so leave the lady be" Louis said casually like it was no big deal. The guy sighed before print me down really fast and letting go of me. I yelped as he let go and i couldn't take All the weight on my own. Louis caught me before i fell. "Hey hey now she's small and fragile what did i tell you about small people?" Louis chastised steven. "I sorry i didn't mean it" he said before walking up the stairs. Louis picked me up and carried me back up the steps. "Umm who the hell was That?" i question him. "Oh that was pauls body guard for us he's really harmless tho" i drop my mouth open. "Harmless? Really he almost killed me!" i whisper yell at him ." oh please your overreacting whoever did this to you basically could have killed you" i huffed and then remembered that i was supposed to hate him. "Hey you put me down i can do just fine by myself" i try getting out of his grip. "Hey im the one who helped you back there so just be thankful" louis scoffed taking me to my bed. "Yeah okay I could have done it by myself i don't need you" i sneered at him. he mutters to himself as he finishes taking me to the top of the stairs. "you know i can hear you right? why does it even matter? why do you care? huh? just go back to your stupid girlfriend and stop caring about me" i blow up on him. he slams me onto my bed and looks me into the eye. "i love you skylar and it is nothing i can really help about that, i broke up with her awhile back but i have not told the guys yet" i sigh and close my eyes. "i love you lou, im sorry that i got upset with you and im sorry that i freaked" i hug him as he sighs relaxing. "wait..was my little skylar jealous?" louis teases me. i look down and smile. "no..." i trail off knowing he could catch my lie easily and he did as i hear him gasp and poke my cheek. i giggle. "hey

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2016 ⏰

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