chapter one

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my phone started buzzing away in my pocket i hastily took it out and answering it not bothering to look at the caller ID knowing it was my annoying stalker again. 'look stop calling me sheesh i dont like you that way and i dont want a date im fine by my self' i practically yelled in the phone trying to keep my cool the best i could. i heard a chuckle from the other line. 'well hello to you too skylar its me erm paul' my cheeks turned a deep red. 'erm sorry paul i thought you were someone else,wait howd you get my number i thoughti lost all contact with you guys' i squint my eyes confused. 'well i can get just about anyones number remember i know people' paul chuckled. 'ohh duh im so stupid your so laid back i sometimes forget your the manager for one direction.' i joked around with him. 'well sky its nice to see you havent changed much' he chuckled. 'yeah speaking of that why do you choose now to call me? whatcha need?' i ask curious. he lowered his voice alittle. 'look the guys are a wreck without anyone around ever scince you walked out theve literally been moping and acting like bitchy girls' i kinda laughed at what he refered them to. 'look i know what this is getting to paul but remember im a screw up and they all hate me?' i plopped down onto my floor sighing. 'paul was silent for a minute before he spoke again. if i didnt know better i would have thought he had hung up. 'sky just give them time to forgive you theyll brighten up we all need you and i need them acting like themselves again.' he practicaly begged me. i closed my eyes trying to think. 'paul i dont think its a good idea im bad for everyone plus im doing fine and what would you even tell them if i even began to think about your offer?' i question him sighing. 'skylar i know you too well i know that you literally have nothing right now but an empty house so you need a place to stay with furniture and stuff so we wont tell them anything besides you simply need a place to stay for awhile' he tried to reason with me lowering his voice again down to a whisper. i was guessing the boys were around and he didnt want extra ears overhearing. i finally groaned. 'fine but only till i find a place to stay.' i could hear the smile in his voice.'great ill have someone pick you up in like ten minutes' paul said exitedly and before i could protest he hung up the phone. i only had ten minutes to get ready damn that gave a girl no time to do much of anything. since paul was right i literaly had nothing in this empty house anymore i pushed myself up off the floor and put my phone in my pocket and i tried to do my best with my makeup to cover up the dark bruises on my face and all over my arms. i hoped that it would be enough for them not to question me. well at least not paul. i had a feeling the others wouldnt care either way. i kinda deserved it considering i basically lied to them so they had a right to be mad. i awaited for them to come sitting on the floor in what used to be my living room. i still wondered how paul knew even that but he always had his way of knowing stuff and i never question it knowing it would get my nowwhere.

Harrys POV-

i scowled at paul how dare he bring that bitch back into our life. how dare he make me of all people pick her up. he knows how she hurt me and how she was deciteful and lieing. i sped downthe road not even caring about stop signs at this point. i didnt even have to think about which way her house was i knew it by heart and i still go there at night everyonce in a while just to pass by. i dont know why i do it, all it does is cause another painful rip to the heart that never seems to heal. the boys try the best they can and i really do try for their sake but its easier said than done when they can see right through me. i screech to stop in front of her house and slam the car door shut. i take one more deep breath as i aproach her porch and knock on the door anticipating her arrival. like paul said i had to be a gentleman and help her out. the one and only skylar appears at the door slowly. she avoids my gaze when she sees its me. the was still as breath taking as i remembered. her long mahogany hair that falls perfectly down just below her breasts. she looks up at me behind her dark mascara covered eyelashes showing her beautiful to die for eyes. her perfect curves which are shown off perfectly in a pencil skirt and a black shirt which has the arms cut down exposing her shoulders. she cleared her throat breaking me from my trance. 'Erm, sky. I'll get your stuff for you' I say noticing that she didn't bring anything but a bag out. She quickly shook her head no. 'No it's fine i erm don't need anything' i narrow my eyes at her and glance towards the door. Before she could stop me i went into the house barging in. I look around confused. It was completely empty no furniture no nothing. This wasn't how i remembered it. I turn around to face her. She had her eyes closed something she does when she's trying to stay calm. 'Its gone Harry' she says bitterly looking around. Furrow my eye brows. 'Why' was all i asked. She sighed looking defeated. 'Look I'm sorry that people insist on making my life living hell so that leads me back with you temporarily then ill be on my way and out of your life again like you want. But if you want i don't have to go with you now either' she tells me looking up at me with her sad blue eyes. I could see the hurt and regret in her eyes. I sigh. 'Skylar you can't stay here I'm sure we can figure out something for now just because we broke up doesn't mean that I'm a jerk to let you stay here in this empty dump.' I tell her and this time wasn't Paul's warning telling me to be a gentlman it was my own words and i meant them. I see tears running down her pink cheeks smearing her makeup.i remember when i used to tell her she didn't need all that makeup anyways that she was beautiful without it of course she never believed me. I stare into her beautiful blue eyes. I can't stand to see her cry. I look closely at her cheek.was that makeup? It didn't look like it me. I slowly reach up and wipe her tears away.the mark only got worse and a deeper blue. She flinched slightly. I frowned i felt my hands fall to my sides and clench into fists. Who laid even a finger on her? 'Who did this?' I ask seeing it was on her arms and her wrists were a dark blue too. I take a deep breath trying to stay calm. 'No one it's fine' she whispered looking away. I knew she was lying to me. 'Tell me' i prodded her. She gazes up at me and Shakes her head violently. I see the fear in her eyes. Who ever did this definitely did some thing more to make her this way she always told me everything.i knew that this was a bit diffrent because we werent even friends but she no matter what hid things from me no matter how badthey were. 'Look you may not yet tell me but you will and don't think i wont tell Paul. She gripped onto me.'no please please he can't know' she pleaded. I missed her scent as i took a long deep breath of her sweet smell.. Holding her whispering how i wouldn't and i whispered soothing words. Ohh how was i falling for her trap yet again i can't keep doing this to myself This is literaly the Same girl that lied to me about her self And managed to leave with my heart. Why was i doing this to myself? This girl is gonna be the death of me.

Hey authors note, this is my first chapter kinda short sorry but i hope you read. I'll update soon thanks for reading this! Love y'all. Oh and the pic is of Skylar

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