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P.O.V. (Y/N)

We walk a long way, with Sid having trouble to keep up with us.

"Come on, wait up. Wait up! Come on, come on, fellas." He yells to us. "Can you wait a second, please? Hey, fellas!" 

After a little while, we wait by a small geyser, so Sid can catch up to us. 

"Whew! Thanks for waiting." He says and sits on the geyser. Manny, Diego and I look at eachother.

"Three, two, one." We say and Sid gets shot in the air by the geyser. I giggle and we continue walking.

"Sure is faithful." Manny says and Sid falls, face first, in the geyser.

{Time skip}

Sid now has the baby and we all should've known it was a bad idea to give the baby to Sid, because Sid is just as much a baby as the baby itself. The baby and Sid start poking eachother, annoying the shit out of Diego, Manny and I.

"Don't make me reach back there!" Manny warns the two and Sid childishly answers.

"Yeah, well, he started it!"

"I don't care who started it! I'll finish it!" He said. Not gonna lie, I was pretty afraid of what Manny could do if Sid continued to annoy him like this.

A little further and we came across another geyser. This one shot a red air bubble in the air, followed by a block of ice that rolled in front of us. The geyser than shot a green bubble in the air, signaling that it's okay for us to continue walking now.

Another while later and we come across a frozen lake. We try to cross, but only Sid can skillfully skate across the ice, while Diego, Manny and I struggle to keep standing. 

"Hiya, Manny." Sid says, floating around Manny with the baby on his head. 

"Hiya, Diego." He says and does the same with Diego.

"Hiya, (Y/N)." And he does the same. Then he crashes into the ice at the end of the lake. We continue to safely walk on the snow.

"Hey, Sid." We say when we pass him and see him struggling to get out of the wall.

Once Sid got free, he followed us again and we came to a part where we could go four ways. 

"You're lost, aren't you?" Manny asks Diego, as Diego looks at the four paths.

"No." Diego argues. "I know exactly where we are." 

"Ask him directions." I tell Diego, pointing at a squirrel with long front teeth, must be called like a saber-squirrel or something.

"I don't need directions." He tells me.

"Fine. I'll ask him." I say and step forward. "Hey, buddy, you see any humans go by here?" The squirrel shakes his head 'no' and then goes to think before putting one finger up.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, I love this game. I love this game. Okay, okay." Sid says and the squirrel holds up three of his small fingers. "Three words. First word." Sid said before the squirrel starts doing movements.

"Uh, stomp." Sid tries. "No, no. Stamp, stamp!" He corrects, but it's still not right.

"Let me try. Uh, pack!" Manny says and the squirrel nods.

"Good one, Manny." Sid says. "Pack of... Long teeth and claws." I wasn't really paying attention, just enjoying the view of Manny and Sid having fun with trying to guess what the squirrel was trying to say.

"Pack of wolves? Pack of..." 

"Pack of bears?" Manny asks. "Pack of fleas?" 

"Pack of whiskers? Pack of noses?" Sid asks when the squirrel starts pointing at Diego. 

"Pachyderm!" Manny tries.

"Pack of lies. Pack of troubles! Pack of wallop! Pack of birds! Pack of flying fish!" Sid continues naming packs of all sorts, when the squirrel starts flying through the air.

We choose a path and head that way, when, after a few minutes, it starts to snow heavily. And Diego and I end up having icicles on our fangs, Manny on his tusks and Sid out of his nose, while the baby was leaning more into Manny.

After the snow storm died down, Diego walked further to the front to look which way is better to go. He then suddenly starts running towards us.

"Hey! Great news. I found a shortcut!" He yells and I see Sid running off somewhere.

"What do you mean, shortcut?" Manny asks.

"I mean faster than the long way around." Diego says and I roll my eyes.

"Ow!" Manny yells as the baby starts climbing on Manny's face.

"We know what a shortcut is!" I tell him and he looks at me before quickly looking away.

"Look. Either we slip through there and beat the humans to Glacier Pass, or we take the long way and miss 'em." Diego states, as the baby continues climbing Manny's face.

"Through there?" I ask and point at the small cave in the wall.

"What do you take us for?" Manny adds.

"This time tomorrow, you could be a free Mammoth and free Saber. Or a nanny. Personally, I never get tired of peekaboo." Diego tells us, before Sid comes and joins the fun.

"Hey, guys. Hey, guys. Check this out." He says and puts two ends of an icicle around his neck, making it seem like it impaled him.

"Sid, the tiger found a shortcut." Manny tells Sid and Sid looks at the thing in front of him.

"No, thanks. I choose life." Sid answers and goes to walk away, but Diego appears in front of him.

"Then I suggest you take the shortcut." Diego says.

"Are you threatening me?" Sid asks and points a claw at him.

"Move, sloth!" Diego shouts, causing an avalanche to happen.

"Way to go, tiger." Sid says and pets Diego's head.

"Quick! Inside!" Manny says as he pushes me with his trunk towards the so called, 'shortcut'. Sid runs in just in time as the cave opening is closed by the avalanche.

"Okay, I vote shortcut." Manny says as he starts to walk further into the cave.

This was the fourth chapter, I'll make the next one soon.

Until next time

- Your Author

Ice Age x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now