Shy Painter

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This is a Shy Male Reader x Weiss requested by Futiveslol. This will be an AU. AU stands for Alternate Unvierse.

Third Person POV

It was your typical day at Beacon High. Students were in class listening to their teacher. Most of them payed attention while some didn't. (Y/N) was one of those who did a little bit of both.

(Y/N) was sitting at his desk drawing in his notebook. He mostly drew little doodles and such, but he also drew portraits of people when he could. The bell finally rang and everyone packed up their stuff.

(Y/N): "Time for art class." He made his way to the art class where he took a seat in front of a canvas and waited. Everyone else entered the classroom and the teacher spoke.

Teacher: "Today we'll be drawing portraits. Team up with someone and get to work."

Everyone in the classroom walked around and teamed up with friends. (Y/N) on the other hand sat in his chair. He didn't have many friends so he would probably have to draw himself.

Weiss: "Do you have a partner yet (Y/N)?"

He slightly jumped from his seat at the mention of his name. He turned to see Weiss Schnee. She was the popular girl at the school and came from a rich family.

However, she wasn't your typical snobby rich girl. She was very kind and considerate of people. She helped people when she could and made others smile. It's some of the things that made (Y/N) fall for her.

(Y/N): "N-No."

Weiss: "Wanna team up?"

(Y/N): "S-Sure."

Weiss took a seat a few feet away from the canvas and sat still. (Y/N)'s head moved between the canvas and Weiss multiple times. He drew a rough outline of her frame and began to put in detail.

He noted everything about her and drew it. From her silky platinum white hair to the scar she had covering her eye. An hour went by until (Y/N) was finally satisfied with his work.

(Y/N): "F-Finished." Weiss got up from her chair and walked over to (Y/N). She gasped when she saw the picture he drew.

Weiss: "Woah."

(Y/N): "I-I'm sorry if its b-bad."

Weiss: "It's beautiful."

(Y/N): "R-Really?"

Weiss: "It's even better than the professionals my father hired for our family portraits." She scanned the portrait and couldn't find a single flaw. "Can I have it?"

(Y/N): "S-Sure." Weiss carefully separated the picture from the canvas and gently rolled it up. The bell rang once again which signaled the end of school.

Weiss: "It was nice working with you (Y/N)." She smiled at him and walked away. (Y/N) heart skipped a beat at her beautiful and kind smile. He snapped out of his little trance and left the school.

Timeskip - 3 Days

(Y/N)'s POV

It was Saturday morning and I was playing my video games like usual. I finally defeated a boss when my phone rang. I picked it up and answered it.

(Y/N): "Hello?"

Weiss: "Hey (Y/N), it's Weiss."

(Y/N): "W-Weiss?! H-How did you g-get my number?"

Weiss: "Jaune gave it to me. Reason why is because my father saw the portrait you drew of me and wants to ask you to come do a family portrait for us."

(Y/N): "A-Are you s-sure?"

Weiss: "He'll pay you to do it."

(Y/N): "I-I'll do it for f-free."

Weiss: "Awesome!! Come to my house in a few hours."

(Y/N): "S-See you t-then."

The phone hung up and I laid down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling blankly while still trying to process everything.

Timeskip - 4 Hours

Weiss's POV

The time flew by and the next thing you know (Y/N) got here. My family all sat on the couch as still as possible and (Y/N) got to work. His head turned to the canvas and to my family multiple times. Two hours went by and (Y/N) gave us the okay to move.

My family and I walked up to the picture and we all gasped in awe. The picture itself was the work of a master. The colors beautifully blended together and made our features pop.

Willow: "This is splendid work young man. It's so full of life."

(Y/N): "T-Thank you Miss Schnee."

Father and Klein picked up the painting and brought it up the stairs. The rest of my family disbursed and left me and (Y/N) alone.

Weiss: "It really was a beautiful painting (Y/N)."

(Y/N): "N-No problem W-Weiss."

Weiss: "Are you sure you don't wanna be payed for you work? There has to be something I can do." He stood up from his chair and face me with a rather red face.

(Y/N): "D-Date."

Weiss: "Date?" He took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

(Y/N): P-Please go on a d-date with me W-Weiss!!" My face reddened when the words finally registered in my brain. I guess a date wouldn't hurt.

Weiss: "O-Of course."

(Y/N): "R-Really?!" He opened his eyes and smiled widely.

Weiss: "Yeah, just let me know when."

(Y/N): "O-Okay, I'll c-call you."

He turned around and walked out of the house. I stood there with red cheeks and a small smile on my face.

That shy lovable idiot.

Thank you all for reading. Hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

RWBY x Male Reader (Request Book) 2 (Discontinued For Now)Where stories live. Discover now