Must Read: The College Edition

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We're back, Entertainers and we're in college! -MR

We are back! Of course, obviously, stated above for you all to see. As you can calmly see, we have not updated since 2 years ago! That is so long ago, we were just sophomores in high schools waiting for our senior year impatiently. We barely got a chance to read, and if we did, there was barely any good written stories (sorry to admit). It's now 2015, and we're both half way through our first year.

So MUST READ will change a bit. "The College Edition" is not based on college and our experiences - it's just to state that we are now mature and still maturing (in a sad (because we're aging), exciting way), and that this MUST READ will not only include "soppy" love stories, which we all love, but also mild to very mature stories, and much more!

We will put the Rate of the story when we provide it (Ex: Rated PG-13, etc.). We will also be still taking in recommendations as well as reading the previous recommondations that we have received on our time away from MR-Entertainment. We are also thinking of doing contests, maybe even opening a reading list in which it will be just for short stories, and whoever wins can have their story added for everyone to read. OR you guys can suggest your own ideas to us.

We are happy to be back and loved seeing how much you guys enjoyed our previous MUST READ. Thank you so much for your support!! We love you, Entertainers! 

- MR (Monique and Rachel) *throws hugs and kisses to everyone*

Must Read: The College EditionWhere stories live. Discover now