Chapter 2, A Plan Of Action

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Dean's POV.
The flight to Los Angeles was too long  I spent most of it on my phone. I wanted to let my fans know where I'll be just in case I'll.... Never see them again.

Post and Megan were getting pretty involved in each other. Kissing and everything. I had to hear that the whole plane ride. I just hope that this Haleigh girl will be some help to us.

I could tell Brittany was getting uneasy watching Post and Megan make out. I decided to comfort her.

"Brittany? Do you need company?" I asked her, she burst into tears. I understand why. Lewis was her everything.

"I need him here, Dean. I need him alive! I can't live my life without him!" She sobbed into my arms.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright. I'll comfort you." I said, she rested her head on my shoulder and we fell asleep.

By the time we got to Los Angeles, it was ten p.m. on Wednesday. I was nervous, but I was also exhausted. I think all of us were. Maybe Billie can give us a place to sleep. Billie already lives in Los Angeles, so that should be good.

We arrived at the airport. Megan and Post were going with Haleigh, and we would all meet up tomorrow to discuss a plan. The rest of us would go with Billie. She was waiting with her brother Finneas.

"Hey guys, ready to do this?" Billie asked. She looked into the distance and saw Megan and Post go with Haleigh. She had blond hair, about shoulder length. She looked at us. I looked back at her. I didn't notice, but I started blushing.

I left with Billie and the others. We headed off to her house. She offered me to a guest's bedroom. She had like ten, so it would be fine....

Post's POV.
I left with Megan and Haleigh to her house. Megan looked at me with begging eyes, the begging eyes she gives when she wants me. I kissed her soft lips and we fell asleep mid cuddle.

The next day...

Dean's POV.
I woke up, it was time to meet up with Haleigh, Megan and Post. I was a little nervous. I don't know what it was, but Haleigh made me fall head over heels.  I've never felt that for anyone.

When we got to Haleigh's house. Megan and Post were still cuddling each other. Haleigh welcomed us.

"Come on in guys." She said. We sat down at the kitchen table and she poured us some lemonade.

"So, Megan says you know a lot about this game." Niall spoke up.

"Well, I was forced to play this game once too. Me and a ton of my friends were forced to play. Half of them didn't make it out alive. The boss told me later that if I worked for them, they would bring them back. But when I found out Lewis Capaldi had to play, I quit my job. I couldn't work to have him die... Even though...." She started to tear up. So did Brittany.

"So can you help us?" James asked.

"Of course! I know that place like the back of my hand! I bet you I can find anything you need to find your way around." She said. But there was something I really wanted to know.

"I have one more question... Is this game.... Even legal?" I asked. She shook her head. Everyone gasped.

"So... What do we do?" Post asked

"What we have to do is kill the captain. If he goes, then the game goes." Haleigh said finally after a few seconds of silence. We all were in on the plan.

As everyone got separated into their groups. I went to go talk to Haleigh.

"Hey. Can I come in?" I asked.

"Sure." She said. I walked into the bedroom.

"I just wanted to say thank you for helping us. I know it might be hard to do, considering the fact that the captain probably hates you. No offense." I laughed

"None taken. I don't care about his sorry ass anyways! But anytime. I'm happy to help." She smiled as we packed up and left for the building where the game was held.

No one's POV.
The security room was dark. The only thing lighting it up was the camera. The security guy was tracking down the players for the next game, when he noticed something.

"Captain. We got a problem... We have six of our players right outside. It looks to be like, Billie Eilish, Post Malone, Brittany Maggs, Niall, Horan, James Arthur, and Dean Lewis... Plus one of our previous workers."  The security guy said.

"Okay, I'll be out there to find them. Do you see anything else that's fishy?" Captains responded. The security guy looked around in the cameras... He found something in the attic!

"Uh sir... We have another in our attic...." The camera guy stammered.

"Who is it?" The captain demanded.

"One of our old players... Lewis Capaldi!...."

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